Kathy, TL and MWM are giving you a lot of great thoughts to consider.
I totally agree that there is not just one bottom and who knows which one is THE ONE or if there is ever ONE rock bottom, but perhaps for many, a series of realizations as time goes on.
Right now, my difficult child seems a lot better in his talk and thinking but there has been little to no action. So progress but definitely not done cookin' yet, as SO says. That is sad but it is reality.
The most important thing about rehab is the constant exposure to all of the ways that addicts and alcoholics need to learn to cope with life on life's terms. They don't know how to do that. So it is way beyond just stopping the using, it is how to navigate life.
Most rehab programs are based on 12-step. I have found 12-step to be one of the most brilliant, simple and profound programs/concepts/way to live your life I have ever thought about, studied or even knew was "out there" in the world. At first, it's hard to understand how something so obvious and so clear and so simple could be that completely life-changing. But it can and it is and it does.
And then in rehab they get group counseling---they can talk and get all of the bad "stuff" out---and then service work, learning to do things for other people and the joy and happiness that brings, and most importantly, the value of being honest.
Honesty is vital to recovery. Without it, there is no recovery.
If he wants to go to rehab, I would try to get him to rehab. Is this THE TIME that things will all turn around. There is no way to know. I do believe, like TL said, that every time they are exposed to this new way of living and thinking and acting, that some of it has to stick.
Even if they say they completely reject it, as my difficult child continues to say, I believe some of it sinks in and sticks, maybe to surface much later.
Food for thought. If my difficult child came to me and said he wants to go to rehab or a ride to an AA or NA meeting or to help him get a schedule of those meetings or to see a counselor, that is something I would immediately try to help him get. So far, that has not happened.