Son taken to hospital


Well-Known Member
I just called medical at the facility before I head out the door. There are no updates, but I did not think that there would be. I just wanted them to know I would be checking up on things. The nurse told me to call back at 12:30. They get up dates between 11:00 and 12:00.


New Member
Glad to hear you know they have his info. One of my big fears is that someone would give q a sedative or some other drug he could die from with his enzyme issueif we are ever in that situation. Sounds like your system is set up well.

Wonderful to hear they're connected to the university system. Hang in there. Hoping you get your update soon!


Well-Known Member
Updates: 1. His MRI came back normal.
2. He is still there. They want to keep him for observation to see how he does on the BiPolar (BP) medicine and make any changes. He needs BiPolar (BP) medicine just not
which and at what dose will be theraputic.
3. He gets to watch t.v.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Truthfully I not only am delighted that his tests came back with good results, I am thrilled that they are keeping him there in an attempt to stabilize him. In my experience you are truly blessed to have such dedicated care for an "inmate". Hugs DDD
Sorry I got here late, too. I am thinking about you and your family. I pray that things go well. My son fainted on BiPolar (BP) medications, too, and it looked like a seizure but it wasn't. He was briefly on a beta blocker for anxiety, and his BiPolar (BP) got too low to detect with cuff. Not trying to diagnose, just sharing something anecdotal in case it helps.


Well-Known Member
Glad the MRI came back normal.
So ... would it be caused by medications? What else an cause seizures?

I don't know why he can watch TV. All that fast motion movement stuff is so bad for seizure activity.


New Member
I've learned that it depends on the kind of seizure. Some people are triggered by lights/movies /flickering etc and others are not. During evaluations they try to trigger with flickering lights. Even on inpatient seizure units they get computer and video game time. They record what people are doing as part of figuring it all out.
Otto - That is the same thing that happened with my difficult child except his BiPolar (BP) is really low to begin with so it wasn't caused by medications.

Pasajes - Did they do an eeg and ecg on him? They did those on my son as well as an echocardiogram.

It does sound like he is getting excellent care. My difficult child was taken to hospital, given an MRI and ecg and then sent home. The eeg and echocardiogram were done as outpatient tests.


Well-Known Member
The latest update is that he is stable and if he remains stable for the next 24 hours, he will be returned to the facility( but in the infirmery) for continued monitoring. It sounds like he had every test that they normaly run. The doctors feel that it may have been brought on by dehydration. He drinks water all day long when he is home. He told the doctors that he had not been drinking as much as usual because it tastes funny. They will monitor his intake.


Well-Known Member
All you can do is wait and see. If it was the water, I hope he knows he has to drink it now! I wonder how long he went? Is he on lithium?

Fingers crossed.