You know all of this just makes me sick. We all struggle to do what we do for our difficult child's and our families and we hit all sorts of road blocks. What choices do we have? We can let our children die, we can let our children's health go and become so out of control. NO WE CAN NOT. So those of us that are trying so hard and being punished every step of the way become more and more cynical and frustrated. It just amazes me that we who are trying so hard can't get the help we need, but there are some people who seem to be able to get every help in the system without hardly blinking an eye (like some people on public assistance popping out kids left and right). My brother is one example of this - public assistance has put him through school 2-3 times. He doesn't blink an eye on it. He would brag about how many food baskets they received at holiday times. UH meanwhile there are those of us who worry not only about keeping a roof over our heads, but buying medications, and paying for doctors and hospitals. And we can't seem to get help!
I applied for Medicaid and for SSI not knowing if we will get them or not, not knowing how long it will take. After what our insurance has paid, I have probably at least $20,000 outstanding to various medical professionals. This doesn't include the kid's counseling which I have to pay for at time of service, or doctors copays, or the psychiatrist for both kids which I have to pay for out of pocket because he isn't in network. I don't make a lot of money, the kids receive the bare minimum on social security survivors benefits (I don't receive any). I have already moved us from our house which we lost, from 2 different apartments that we could no longer afford and now the 3 of us are in a 2-bedroom apartment.
It just stinks. And that is putting it mildly. I worry constantly about losing my job because of all of my absences. I cringe every time I have to let them know I need to take off. I know that if I was working anywhere else I would have been fired a long time ago. I keep wondering what will be the last straw. I have appts for difficult child and for easy child and also for myself - can't get any of them after work hours or on Saturday so what are you gonna do?
klmno, I hope and pray that you will be able to get the help you need for difficult child. My heart goes out to you.
dreamer, I pray that you will get some resolution on your daughter. I can only imagine how scared you must be. You have been through so much and from what I have read, you are so strong and a great fighter.
I applied for Medicaid and for SSI not knowing if we will get them or not, not knowing how long it will take. After what our insurance has paid, I have probably at least $20,000 outstanding to various medical professionals. This doesn't include the kid's counseling which I have to pay for at time of service, or doctors copays, or the psychiatrist for both kids which I have to pay for out of pocket because he isn't in network. I don't make a lot of money, the kids receive the bare minimum on social security survivors benefits (I don't receive any). I have already moved us from our house which we lost, from 2 different apartments that we could no longer afford and now the 3 of us are in a 2-bedroom apartment.
It just stinks. And that is putting it mildly. I worry constantly about losing my job because of all of my absences. I cringe every time I have to let them know I need to take off. I know that if I was working anywhere else I would have been fired a long time ago. I keep wondering what will be the last straw. I have appts for difficult child and for easy child and also for myself - can't get any of them after work hours or on Saturday so what are you gonna do?
klmno, I hope and pray that you will be able to get the help you need for difficult child. My heart goes out to you.
dreamer, I pray that you will get some resolution on your daughter. I can only imagine how scared you must be. You have been through so much and from what I have read, you are so strong and a great fighter.