Thanks so much -
I hope everyone is doing okay - and about court -
ARGH - I got up at 3:30 AM for WHAT???
I want to tell you that there is NO way I would ever do what everyone (caseworker, his boss, their shrink) suggested - and let Dude do this on his own - and do you want to know WHY? ARGH!!! Not only do we not know what we are doing NEITHER does the court
We got up at 3:30 - The foster dad dropped dude off at 3:45 Am (rules - he can't stay with us for a month - stupid but a rule) So we all get dressed, I made french toast - everyone really too upset to eat and we leave.
We drive into downtown Greenville SC - at 7:00 it's busy like NY city. Mapquest is redundant and lacks the ability to get you around the block - DF is still having trouble focusing (medications for pain) and Dude is in the back seat with a Walkman - so I'm navigating, DF is trying to help and we find it - okay so now I want a cup of coffee. Go to IHOP (only place open) and get nasty coffee (note to self - pack your thermos next trip with your own coffee)
We get to the court house at 8:15 - and there is NO ONE there - we were told to get there at 8:30 and there isn't one person there. Doors are locked. I'm in panic mode thinking - I have not found the right place. Caseworker shows up - okay some people are showing up - but they are dressed in jeans, dirty shoes, hair not brushed, t shirts - and we're standing there in business suits = Dude in an old donated suit (too big but didn't want the courts to think a foster kid had money for a suit) so he looked like he was in his dads suit. (Kinda funny - but the pants were too small - lol and the shoes were too small and the coat was too big. Dude laughed and said he was like Goldilocks and the three bears - then he said the tie I bought him was JUST RIGHT. (and winked)
Finally they open the doors and everyone that was dressed like they were going to some street fight pushed in behind us and ran - YES RAN to the metal detectors while we waited for some 100 year old retiree to answer our questions about where is courtroom 8 -
We get in line (so angry - we were there forever and now we are like last in line) so we snagged the elevator up to the 3rd floor - and got there about 4th or 5th. I bit my tongue because there was this woman in sandals, too tight red pants and a silver shirt (really? In the day time) and she had already gone in but got there late - smirking (I wanted to spit) it was like - Yeah I got their first I beat you- (whatever) You would have to live here to understand that despite having a son who allegedly committed a crime since we were dressed nice - we were "not in" with the courtroom gang. Thank God for that. I've never seen such level for disrespect in a courtroom in my life -
So we handed this stern and seemingly in charge, but not a talker - woman Dudes card. She said WHO IS YOUR ATTORNEY and we said - we were told just to come here and then see about getting an atty. Then she shrieks YOU Don't HAVE an attorney? And I twisted up my face and said "Your boss told us to show up here and THEN see about getting an atty." and again she says "SO do you or DO YOU NOT have an attorney?" I said NO. and she said "Have a seat". (I used my laser vision to peel her lips off and threw them in the trash can)
So we sat there while the court filled up and it was awful - women dressed like hookers with skirts so short if they sneezed you would see their butt. 4" spaghetti strapped, clear heel shoes, no one but Dude and his family and caseworker were in a suit - oh one other lady - she was in her 60's - scared out of her mind. ( people just kept pouring in with hats on - tennis shoes - and jeans - flip flops - smelling of dope and booze - AMAZING - one man brought a baby - (Must have been trying to avoid going to jail) - the bailiff told him that he could either call someone BEFORE court to come get the child or if he was jailed - they would put the child in DSS custody - (duh)
So this blond, perky woman (Barbie) stands there with like 14 other women from various attorneys offices, in suits and men in suits and court reporters and the place is buzzing - the contrast between those that were working there and those in the courtroom was astounding. Dude is so nervous (my knees were knocking) but I kept cool for Dude - and Barbie turns around and while she's talking to someone she does her hands in like a clap (as in children CHILDREN) lets be quiet now and listen to what I have to say.
I thought - OH GOD we are NOT going to get along -if she claps for me - I may do a trick. Then she calls Dudes name and amazingly to my surprise IS TOTALLY NICE. She was SO understanding was upset that the public defenders office had also given us improper news - but was so nice to Dude, the caseworker - she was the solicitors investigator. (Very important person) and she said that she DID get the letter and it explains a LOT - and thanked me for it - then said we had to get an attorney IRREGARDLESS of if they drop the charges or not. Because legally it has to be the PD that talks to the solicitor NOT me and not Dude. But then added not to worry - they just have to do this.
Then she asked why we didn't go there first - and I showed her my phone notes - time, date conversation NAME of person I spoke with twice, and told her what the PD office told us -court first, then if they say get a PD -and added also that PD office ALWAYS makes mistakes like that - it makes it sould like we could get Dude off with just my letter and she said noooo they HAVE TO BY LAW investigate the case and look into evidence - they never just dismiss it (which oddly made me feel better) So off to indigent defense and more waiting - because as I said before we were NOT the first people called in court - we were NOT going to be the first into the PD office.
So we went down to the PD office and met yet another man who had NO idea what he was doing, but wanted to get his sarcastic attitude across first and foremost. (Oh good someone to exchange material with) and said for us to go BACK up to the court and talk to the solicitor, wait until our name was called - and I cut him off and said that the solicitors secretary sent us down. He was sucha jerk. He said "Well they are ALWAYS making mistakes like that." - and I cut him off again and said 'Funny that's exactly what SHE said about YOUR office," (the fun ended there) and I have her name written down - showed him and he said "OH why didn't you say so?" and I said "I did." To which he said he only needed to talk to Dude. And flipped his hands for us to have a seat.
When the questions got complex - he looked at me and the cw and said to Dude "You understand? Don't Understand????" and Dude called me over - I explained that he has some learning and comprehension problems, didn't get it - and so then this man started talking slower and I said 'He's disabled, NOT retarded and no matter how slow you speak he's not understanding - that's why we're up here in the first place. ARGH.
So short ending - Dude filled out paperwork, I paid the $40.00, he'll call in 3 days to find out who his atty is, speak to him and while I was standing at the window I took my phone notes out again and said "I wanted YOU to see my notes from three separate conversations -repeated back to Mr. P for accuracy in content. I have already been asked to send the solicitors office a copy. The man stood there stunned. Dude wont get a court date until August or Sept. In the mean time - it's up to the Public defender and the solicitor and Dude to decide if they have enough evidence (a liars statement) to prosecute.
So that's what I know -
BUT.......(saga continues)
When we left the court and were walking back to the car garage - Dude saw the kid that lied about the incident and the old man from the group home - They were trying to waive him down - and we left. I said to Dude 'I have nothing to say to him - do you? and Dude said NOPE.
_That kid told us he'd already been to court so either he lied......or was thinking he had to be there to testify against Dude - or both. I told DF on the way out - I swear if he had said another lie about Dude - I'd BE in jail today. I would have smacked him right in the mouth. So whatever "gem" of wisdom they wanted to share - they can kiss it.
We left....Stopped at a Cracker barrel --LOVE it. And Dude finally started talking and cutting up (the kid I love) and seemed to breathe a little easier.
He was MOST happy that he did nottake our advice and shave beard, or moustache - and solicitor told him to "be himself" and don't worry about shaving like Mom said . ARGH. Mom, therapist, dad - everyone. Needs to look like a Hardy boy - not a street thug. He DID (to our amazement) leave the gigantic cubic zirconia earrings and chains at home. (So there is always hope)
Hope all is well where you are - oh and I'll tell ya - before we walked INTO that courtroom = I had a silent moment and gathered you all up in spirit in the hallway - Thanks so much for being with us today. Once again the power of the warrior Moms was victorious - and it kept me from pulling smirking boy out of the compact (no seriously I think had he opened his mouth I would have shut it for him) all of this because he lied about what they were doing that night.
Thanks again all
Hugs & love
Star and -
I wanted to say thankyou to all the people who sent their support for me today. Dude