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Good Morning,
Going into the 3rd week after difficult child overdose. She has now started a partical hosipitalization program. Today is day 4 it runs for 10 days. They are starting her on conserta today. Form of ritalin.
Does anyone know how this has affected their difficult child? I just read on the internet that ritalin can cause death. Boy does this leave me warm and fuzz on the inside
. They believe now that she is ADHD & ODD.
Last night she has a melt down at her softball game. One kid told her to shut the F*** up. Normally she doesnt have that kind of reaction she normally would fight back. she didnt, she just cried and said mom I dont want to play anymore. I'm done. She didnt want the kids to know something was wrong with her. She didnt want to take any medications only becuase if they did help her the kids would wonder why one day she was loud & acting out. and the next day she is calm.
I told her not to worry the medications might help her and we will find one that does and their is a good chance she wont have to be on it forever. The kids dont have to know just tell them you were getting your period and that is why you were grouchy.
So this morning is the first day she will be it. The one good thing is since she will be in the PHP program and is their from 9-3:30 its a program run thru the childrens hospital. They will be able to monitor her on the medications.
any insite will be awsome. Thanks, charmed
Going into the 3rd week after difficult child overdose. She has now started a partical hosipitalization program. Today is day 4 it runs for 10 days. They are starting her on conserta today. Form of ritalin.
Does anyone know how this has affected their difficult child? I just read on the internet that ritalin can cause death. Boy does this leave me warm and fuzz on the inside
Last night she has a melt down at her softball game. One kid told her to shut the F*** up. Normally she doesnt have that kind of reaction she normally would fight back. she didnt, she just cried and said mom I dont want to play anymore. I'm done. She didnt want the kids to know something was wrong with her. She didnt want to take any medications only becuase if they did help her the kids would wonder why one day she was loud & acting out. and the next day she is calm.
I told her not to worry the medications might help her and we will find one that does and their is a good chance she wont have to be on it forever. The kids dont have to know just tell them you were getting your period and that is why you were grouchy.
So this morning is the first day she will be it. The one good thing is since she will be in the PHP program and is their from 9-3:30 its a program run thru the childrens hospital. They will be able to monitor her on the medications.
any insite will be awsome. Thanks, charmed