Fran...didn't really say all I meant to say earlier. I accidently hit "add reply" before I was ready. :laugh:
I just want you to know that I admire your love for your son...and how it has manifested itself into great courage and hope as an example to all of us.
I don't know if you consider yourself "non-neurotypical" but I do within me.
It is like trying to find the cure by bleeding to death so that you might eventually heal and can pass it on...but even then, they have to be amount of cure will absolutely fix it.
I see that "trust" has been built up for your son. He no longer shy's away from the world....that is so wonderful in many ways.
I am reminded of when my young difficult child just got out of Rehab (Sept 02)...He was at school eating alone as he didn't feel like he fit in...some girls were making fun of how he was dressed. They threw some food at him...he walked over to them and made a threatening remark only to be suspended that day...the first of many since...sigh.
I remember him crying in the car telling me how he had "hid" himself ...kept himself away from other people so that he wouldn't cause a problem and he couldn't understand why they just couldn't leave him alone. :frown: :frown: :frown:
I don't want my son's to live in the shell that husband and I have lived in...I want them to REALLY LIVE!!! I know I have friends here...but I have always felt "different"..."socially impaired"...and like something was wrong with me...but my guesses were self cruelty. They weren't even close to the truth.
I hurt right now as I just got back from seeing my oldest difficult child at the Juvenille detention center. There is my baby...the guards ask me If he has ever sung for Of course he has...They go on to tell me what a wonderful singing voice he has.
And then I talk to him on the phone seperated by glass...but he see's my soul tonight and that is good. he knows he is loved. he knows he is a survivor...oh what a survivor. He knows that when he wakes up in 2 days in that cell that he should give himself a hug (he demonstrated the hug he would give himself
)...I told him to know that his dad and I love him and would wake up and say a prayer for him on Saturday, June 8th.
I keep seeing my beautiful baby Fran...I want him to grow like your difficult child has...I know he has exposed himself to alot of ugly in the last couple of years...I hope he will replace his thoughts and behavior with self nurturing ones regardless of what this world has to offer at any given time.
I know if my difficult child's ever take off running in the right direction...there is no stopping them.
Thanks for your daily inspiration to get through our is so painful but rewarding to know others are crossing the your son is.
Hope all good things meet in the middle for your difficult child and his future.
PS...Will miss you while I'm away on vacation.
Maybe I'll be able to jump on the board after we leave Montana Mts. and head to Vegas on Tues.