Success Story/Graduation Update


Former desparate mom
I'm a bit overly "huggy" like Genny and a bit teary myself.

I just told him thank you for giving me the pleasure that other parents get when their kids graduate. He looked at me like he was a little afraid I had lost all my marbles. (I had watched the national news on college graduations and I could relate to the parents-LOL) :laugh:

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm getting "soft" or maybe just hormonal.


New Member
Fran, I'm new to posting on the board, but definately not new to reading religiously.

Congratulations to your son for graduating and to you for everything you've done. You're an inspiration to those of us who are in the stages of "will he ever live on his own or even make it through school"? You give me hope.


Active Member
Sniff, sniff. Somebody pass those tissues over here.

Fran, what can I say that hasn't already been said? What a time for you and yours. It makes it all worth it, doesn't it?

I only hope that we will all sit in your shoes one day. I can see me and difficult child #2 there someday. I really can. I just don't know how we're going to get there from here. We will, if by no other way than sheer dumb luck. (And a little guidance from you guys) I'll be the first to admit that I don't have a clue what I'm doing most days with these kids. (How many of us actually do?) But, like you, I tend to ask what they need and how to get it to them, then I just let everything else fall where it may. With any luck, I'll be posting tear-jerking graduation threads in 9 more years. Oh think of the grays I'll have then! :rolleyes:

Congratulations. You guys have come a long way. All the hard work, wall-beating, advocating, crying, cursing the fates, and pleading with God have all paid off. And you're both still breathing. How wonderful!!

Enjoy Mom - you sure do deserve it.


I am so very happy for all of you, and so proud of difficult child for being so successful and participating so well in all of the graduation hoopla.

Congratulations! I think we were all there with you cheering him on and crying!


sameold sameold

New Member
Congratulations to your difficult child and your whole family Fran. What a wonderful experience it must have been. You have a right to be very very proud.


Former desparate mom
I hope I am around to hear all of you talk with some sense of relief that your difficult child's are on their way to a decent,independent life.
Many of you have started the interventions early on. Hope that results in less trauma than we went through but if not,I know you would do whatever is required to get what your difficult child's need. The wounds you hide from the world will scar and close and be hidden. A warrior mom or dad closes the door on that part of their pain,the humiliation,the disappointment and the downright terror to find what their child needs.

The milestone of my difficult child graduation and progress isn't just a satisfaction of accomplishment but a huge flag that this kid has a chance. A chance at a meaningful and full life.
That huge grin and the thumbs up means more to me than a full scholarship to Harvard or MIT. I wouldn't trade it for anything. He overcame more obstacles than 95% of the graduating class.


Active Member
I am proud for your son, Fran. /importthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif I know I respect a person more that has had to overcome obstacles in order to succeed. Your love for your son shines through with every word you write. On day your son will be able to look back on his life and realize how fortunate he is to have had you for his mother.


New Member

I'm simply thrilled with your difficult child's acomplishment. And the happiness that it has brought all of you. His future is bright and he has proven, against the odds, that he can and will suceed. You've fought and struggled to give him the tools that he needs and you have all done yourselves very proud. Many hugs to you and your family.


T's Mom

New Member
Fran, Quoting from your message:"He overcame more obstacles than 95% of his class" says sooooooooo much. Congratulations and best wishes for all of you.


17 yo adopted difficult child; BiPolar (BP);odd
16 yo adopted easy child; adhd


Active Member
Oh Fran! You and difficult child must be "over the moon" as they say here in Britain. Well done!!!


And very inspiring, I might add!


New Member
WAY TO GO FRAN'S difficult child. He sure has made you a proud Mom Fran and you also have worked very hard to help him get to where he has. What an emotional week you sure have had.
Glad we are all back as a Family.

Joy /importthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


New Member

I am reading this with tears in my eyes! All the hard work you both did! I am so happy & proud of him!!!

It does give me hope too!


Sue C

Active Member

Congratulations to your son and you! Wowzers! What a great feeling, huh?
