My 21-year-old son tried to kill himself last week by jumping off a bridge. He was spotted by some good people who decided to not mind their own business. He is being dischraged from the Mental Health wing of a city hospital tomorrow - a week afterwards! He clearly has depression, but also has Aspergers and ADHD. He is therefore not really employable (yes there is lots of help he could have had over the years but never bought into it despite dozens of efforts at special schools, therapy, counselling, medications). He is witty and intelligent but has never been successful in school (ADHD), and has very few friends (Aspies are difficult). He lives with us of course being a full-time student. I begged the hospital to not release him, that he was not ready and remained a danger to himself. I'm sure he met with a psychiatrist for a grand total of one hour over the week. He said all the right things, he told me (no I don't have those thoughts anymore, yes I will call a friend next time, yes I know what I did was wrong). They just kept apologizing that they couldn't share any of his information with me. There is no follow-up planned which I cannot believe. We live in a large urban centre so of course there are options in terms of facilities and treatments, but he is not interested. He's not even interested in anti-depressants. He will not be able to go back to school this semester he has missed too much and it's almost over. Which puts next semester in jeopardy. His school success is very borderline, but he wants to continue. He liked it despite the mixed success. But he will not pass with what has gone on, without help from the school (yes they have services to help Learning Disability (LD) students - note-takers, accommodations etc - nope). However he has told his younger sister that if he decides that life's not worth it, he will take just care of things and we have to accept it because it's his life and better to save the food for someone who appreciates it. I am so sad and so angry. Angry at him for not accepting help (why on earth not I'll never get that), angry at the hospital for not listening to someone who knows him the best. I am terrified.
PS no drugs I'm fairly sure. recreational beer, sometimes too much.
PS no drugs I'm fairly sure. recreational beer, sometimes too much.
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