Thank you everyone!!! Your prayers and good thoughts are working! :angel: The site of the compression was located correctly and the doctor said that a large hourglass shaped compression of the ulnar nerve was easily visualized. The surrounding bone was removed. He is confident that I will not loose any more function in my hand. Although the prognosis for a return of sensation is guarded, I do think I am feeling a slight increase in sensation.
Anestisia was light with Torodal used for the pain management DURING SURGERY. I did get a huge bruise on my lower lip from the breathing tube but it doesn't hurt, just looks ugly. I was teasing the anestheologist post-op and told him I thought maybe he had decided medications were too risky in my case and reverted to literally knocking me out with a left hook to my jaw. :rofl: I had a full team 2 surgeons, 2 anestheia doctors, 2 anestheia nurse, and 2 medication serg nurses in the OR with me. I guess they were being very cautious. They certainly did make me less anxious that is for sure!
The pain is very manageable. I am taking maxmum amount or Advil and a quarter dose of Darvocet with anti-nausea medication. I still have a little queasiness but nothing serious at this time. Once again thank you. I am a great believer in prayers and positive energy. You are all my angels. May God bless you ALL. :angel: :angel: :angel:-RM