

Well-Known Member
To go along with what MWM said, when relapse happens it usually takes much less to cause the same effect they were getting when they were using regularly.


Roll With It
Sleeping like that is generally what happens after a binge or 'run' as they seem to call it here. Meaning a period of a few days spent using meth nonstop. Then you crash and sleep for a long time because you didn't sleep at all while on the drug.


Well-Known Member
Long Term Effects of Meth Include:
  • brain damage that is similar to Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease
  • coma
  • stroke
  • death
  • meth mouth (rotten teeth)
  • hallucinations
  • sores on the body
  • boils or infections on the skin
  • psychosis
  • weight loss
  • cracked teeth
Many of the short and long term signs of meth abuse can be fixed once the meth addiction is treated and the user is no longer abusing the drug. Unfortunately, some of the severe complications of meth use such as coma, death or certain types of paranoia that do not go away are a lifelong adverse effect of having used this dangerous drug.

Short-Term Effects of Meth Include:
  • effects similar to cocaine abuse
  • erratic behavior
  • violent behavior
  • suppressed appetite
  • poor sleeping or insomnia
  • mood swings
  • unpredictable behavior
  • tremors
  • convulsions
  • high blood pressure and increased heart rate
  • suicidal thoughts
  • anxiety
  • paranoia
Look out for the following symptoms of meth addiction:
  • Track or needle marks on the arms, legs, hands, feet or neck
  • euphoric states followed by fatigue or depression
  • respiratory problems, sinus infections or lung infections
  • cough or hoarse voices from smoking methamphetamine
  • paranoia that seemingly doesn’t go away
  • hallucinations
  • skin abscesses or infections of the skin with no explanation
  • anger or irritability
  • hostility or aggressiveness
Physical Long Term Effects of Meth Addiction
Physically, meth addiction can lead to irreversible damage to the brain and to other areas of the body. Those who abuse meth are at an increased risk of having a heart attack or a stroke as a direct result of their drug abuse. In most cases, abstinence from meth abuse for a period of at least 2 years can lead to the reversible of many of the negative physical signs of methamphetamine abuse but not all. Motor function and verbal memory will typically repair to some extent after two years of meth abstinence but some other neurological aspects of the prolonged use may not repair themselves even with time.


Crazy Cat Lady
I am not a drug or alcohol addict, but I am a nicotine addict. I have been in recovery and relapsed several times.

Each and every time I have relapsed, I have gone back to heavier use than before, sometimes MUCH heavier use. I am currently in withdrawal yet again. I am not clean because I am using nicotine substitutes, just as an opiate addict uses methadone or suboxone.

Please read up on meth use, and PLEASE get your head around the possibility. You do neither yourself nor you son any favors if you don't.


Well-Known Member
Yup, when difficult child got caught on this relapse, her PO said the levels were through the roof meaning she didn't use just a little. When I mentioned this to my difficult child, she shook her head that yes, that was true. :(


Active Member
Thank you all for your responses. I hope you understood I was being sarcastic. I see now that he very well could be using meth now. Whatever hes up to, its no good.

I'm trying to focus on keeping myself healthy and not preject what will happen next with my son. You cant get any closer to the grave then he was in June. Its hard. I start over often. I'm so glad to have your support!


Well-Known Member
I want to add that my daughter used to take uppers, including the overprescribed stimulants for ADHD, cocaine, and meth and then took downers to sleep because she couldn't. So one drug lead to another which lead to another which lead to another, etc.

I thought she was going to either end up in jail or die. She has never been skinny naturally, but she was a twig on meth/cocaine/ADHD medication (mostly Adderrall...that's the one I hate with the highest street value. I can't believe they give this to little kids now that I know how often they are all abused).

I love my chubby, sober daughter. There is nothing scarier than looking at a person who looks like a concentration camp survivor with vacant eyes that have black circles around them and have her say, "No, I'm not using drugs anymore. I'm done with that, Mom. Honest. I just lost weight because I was too chubby."
