thank you


Active Member
Just wanting to add my hi. You've already got lots of advice to consider, and I don't really have much else to offer that hasn't already been mentioned. Definitely check out the Spec. Ed forums, and post there. You'll get lots of advice on getting the help you need from the school.

Again, welcome to a wonderful site.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
How did difficult child do with developmental milestones? How are her large and fine motor skills? Did they seem to develop normally?

The head banging got my attention, as did the crying when you took her somewhere or brought her home. Does she deal with any type of change well? Even deviation from daily routine?

Sorry, more questions. lol


Re you don't know what to ask the school for... this is what you need to ask for. Second problem is that you need to demand, not ask. You need to get seriously pushy with these people. Read through the website, understand your rights in getting this done including your right to having them pay to do one outside of their own personnel. If they know you know the law, know your rights, they will take you a lot more seriously.

Real issue is that she needs at minimum a Behavioral class, not mainstream classes. Ask them what type of classes they have in the building, ask her teachers if they won't tell you. If they insist they don't have one and you've done the BIP from above, then demand that they help you find a behavioral alternative school that will work for her. If there isn't one, then you need to start looking for a residential placement. And the hardest part of that can be the funding for it... but we can help you with that too.

Find a support group for you. Start with your local mental health assoc or NAMI and the hospital closest which has a psychiatric facililty. Keep asking around until you find something. The other parents will be able to tell you what is available in your area and how to get it funded. They'll tell you how they battled with your SD and how they were successful. Local on the ground support, when you can find it, will help with all the details that we cannot here.

Animal abuse is a clear sign of something psychiatric, not parenting, not psychology, don't let them put this on you. Fight back when they try to do that.

Get strong. Stay strong. Take time for yourself to relax too, but this is a battle, borrow our warrior Mom outfit!

Just a random thought... you have tried removing all food dyes from her diet, right? Do the log to see if that's an issue for her as well.


New Member
welcome!! i am new to this too but am so where you are. my 6 yr old was just diagnosis last wk as bipolar so i had the same ? as to why your difficult child wasn't on medications for that. they started my difficult child right away and we are seeing a slight improvement now that it has been a wk.

i too am from mi and used to live in a2. are you in the city or outside? i have a friend who sees a neurpsych thru st joseph health systems if you need a referal for someone else. i would think with-u of m right there you could get a referal to a new therapist.

i recommend that you go above the head of the principle in your school and talk to the superentendant. that is what i did(though i am in a small town) and it put enough pressure on to get things moving for my son. you can call for the iep to be updated and a detailed behavior plan but in place where calling you is not the solution. we just had this done to be tweaked at the end of the mth when we redo difficult child's iep.

my principle, difficult child's teacher, the school sw and i just attended a nonviolent crisis intervention workshop last wk that really put us all on the same pg and where they totally discourage sending the child home. this was thru the shiawassee county resd so your school should be able to find someone in washtenaw co who does the same workshop.

know that you are not alone!