Oh Lil, I am sorry. You are walking the road we have all walked. This is how it unfolds. They talk, we wait and hope, and they talk some more.
No action. Or very little action, just enough to keep us engaged and hoping and praying.
Lil, sadly, unfortunately, truly----it will start to change when you start to take decisive new actions and set even stronger boundaries for what you will and will not tolerate from your son.
I KNOW how hard it is to do this, believe me. It is inch by inch.
And you'll go backward inches at a time as well because when you start doing something new, there will be LOTS of pushback. Drama. More chaos. Emotion. Threats.
You know the drill, Lil, because you have read this site.
Don't buy the synthetic pot bstuff.
A funny story: Before difficult child started his dramatic jump off the cliff into unthinkable stuff, we had a long conversation about hookah. To set the stage, I had never heard of this. I had no idea what it even was. difficult child was spending $10 a pop with his friends going to hookah bars and doing whatever they do there. I said: Isn't that bad for you? He said: Oh, no, Mom, it's awesome. You don't even inhale. There's not one bad or harmful thing about it. I do the strawberry margarita flavor. Mom, come do it with me. Please, please please, it would be fun....blah, blah, blah.
First of all, there was no way I was going to a hookah bar---just from the outside they look awful. And I have no desire to sit around and smoke. (thus says the long-reformed cigarette smoker). Anyway, I went and looked it up, of course. Same effects as nicotine and smoking cigarettes.
Lil, they will say ANYTHING to rationalize what they do and did. And expect us to buy it. You know, I'm not a dumb person and I finally told difficult child to stop with the bstuff. It's insulting. And I can google as well as anybody.
Lil, he is right now showing you who he is...today. In order for him to continue on the painful path (our difficult children take the MOST painful paths) to growing up, you are going to have to get out of the way. And let him take the natural and real consequences of making the choices that he continues to make.
There are jobs on every corner. I no longer buy any bstuff about "can't get a job." You can get a job today if you want one, if you really want one. Anybody can.
Warm Hugs. When you are sick and tired, Lil, you will be ready to take more steps. You will be ready when you are ready, and not before. I wish things were different, but this is reality.
We have to stop enabling, detach with love, and accept reality. That is our mission statement to wholeness and much healthier behavior---from us---in dealing with difficult children.
What they will do with that remains to be seen, for all of us.