Things are sliding downhill...




Thank you so much. easy child does have a cell phone, it is always on her - I will make sure she programs in 911 (good idea). Her door lock is a key lock - she has a key and so do I. When I am home, I keep my phone in my pocket at all times.

I got the letter from the insurance company, they emailed it to my HR manager and I was able to get it to the facility. The doctor at the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) that has been in contact with me confirmed getting it and said it is perfect. Now is just the wait. I really hope it isn't delayed. They only delay at this point will come if a child doesn't go home as targeted.

Question I have now is, when I have the admission date and time, do I just take difficult child and show up there or does he find out in advance - even if it's just that day? I know he is going to freak out either way, if he knows in advance or if I just get him in the car and show up there. I was wondering about this, because if I go to gather his stuff up, he will notice it is missing and question. Maybe I should have his grandparents pick him up and take him, with me meeting them there? I don't know. I thought I would run it by the doctor when it gets closer. With his first hospitalization I just took him and showed up there - he said he would never trust me again. Then the 2nd hospitalization he was in the partial program and they escorted him over to the psychiatric hospital which was on the same property. This is a different facility. Good thing is that it is only about 5-10 mins from home. I don't know really, something else for my mind to mull over.



Well-Known Member
Oh dear, Christy. I am so sorry. He's blowing up at things he has catastrophized in reg to other people, and getting into trouble the rest of the time. Sounds chaotic.

Wish I could help you in regard to how to tell him about admission. On the one hand, he probably doesn't react to change and surprises well, but on the other hand, if you do warn him, he may try to run away. Others here with-more experience in that area can help you.



Thanks Terry,

He doesn't react to change well. I don't know about running away, but I am more afraid of a rage. I will see what others who have been there done that to see how they handled it and also wait to ask his psychiatrist.



Active Member

The number one concern is safety. If you do not think you can safely get him to the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) if he knows where he is going, then don't tell him. With it being so close to home, you could take him and then go home and get his stuff and bring it back.

With Kanga, we decided to tell her because it was a 2-3 hour drive and we didn't want to risk a rage en route. We told her right before a therapy appointment so she was able to talk to her therapist about it.

I would definitely see what the therapist has to say. But I'd go with your gut instinct.

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