Tired of trying to explain difficult child


New Member
I know how it is with husband and being evil mommy. I get to add another word in there that makes me seem straight out of a Disney movie though, I'm the Evil Step Mom. I don't usually use that word, but lately I just feel like the bad guy all the time and my difficult children are giving me evil look after evil look.

I read the Explosive Child and husband only made it to chapter 4. He hasn't re-checked it out from the library to read the rest even though I've asked.

He tries to be in line with me as far as parenting, but he just doesn't want to put that much effort into it. When he's left with the difficult children, he barely pays attention to them, so they sneak things, steal things and so on. He thinks the only reason to check on kids is if someone is screaming long enough to wake him up out of his TV watching stuper.

I know how hard summer is! I'm right there with ya! I have a great recipe that includes rum if ya need it!

Keep posting here and venting. We all really do understand what you're dealing with.


New Member
Just to endorse the other advice you got. We had a son who everyone thought was ADHD but now it would appear is more bipolar or severe mood disregulated. It matters, because some medications will help and others won't.

If you are interested in doing some reading, I --and many others here--can strongly recommend THE BIPOLAR Child. there is an interesting discussion on adhd vs. BiPolar (BP), and a very good sections on medications. Read the first few chapters and you will get a very useful overview.

My own personal experience is that many child psychologists are quick to say ADHD when in fact more complex things may be going on. When those things are going on, then the classic ADHD drugs may not be the best ones to start out with.

Good luck.