Troubled daughter is in the hospital from a spider bite

PG: I am so, so, sorry that your difficult child is spiraling out of control, and all the pain this is causing you. I know how hard it is to watch this happen, when you know there is nothing that you can do to save her. It sounds like your difficult child will have to hit bottom soon, since her drug use is getting worse and she is sick now. I will be praying that she will reach out for help, and also that she will get rid of the loser boyfriend.

I'm sure that you know this, but remember the 3 C's: You didn't cause it, you can't control it, and you can't cure it. Please lean on your friends here for support. We understand what you are going through, and we are here for you. (((HUGS)))


Thank you so much everyone. It really means so much to have you here when we are going through this turmoil. My friend found out from her that yes, she was kicked out. She told her that she had been trying to call the nurse because the nurse went to get her pain medications and difficult child thought the nurse forgot about her. Said nurse came in giving difficult child grief for calling her and difficult child didn't take it lying down so to speak.
So, since I know difficult child language, that means she treated the nurse like the nurse was her personal drug dispenser and nothing more and this nurse was not having it. The doctor came in and told difficult child that he will not allow her to treat his nurses that way and so she was discharged. I was there the first time. I know exactly how difficult child must have behaved... :/


Active Member
PG, When I was 18 I was bit by a BR that came out of a tent that had been down south-I was in Idaho and they did not have any documented bites at the time. It was on my inner calf. Very painful. Had to have a skin graft. Also the painpills.....I took them for several weeks as instructed (could not have made it without them)and then one day decided to quit. Had 2 days of sweats and nightmares-withdrawal. Noone told me they were narcotics. I hope they know she has issues and have given her something else.

She has to care for that bite. I am so sorry about all this. Can you, your family, and your friend stage an intervention? Track marks are scary and this boyfriend is too. Are there any beds in the county or nonprofit residential treatment places? Maybe because of the bite she could get in sooner? I hear your panic. Maybe it is a good time to try to get her into treatment again??


Hi hon. I have never stopped trying to get her into rehab. I beg, plead. She balks and wants nothing to do with it and I just can't understand why. She has only been in one for nine days at the most! Right now, I don't even know where she is...there has been no activity on her phone. I would bet that she is asleep somewhere, but where?? I don't know if the hospital confirmed it to be a bite or my nurse friend said it looks like MRSA. She also has a staph infection on her noise. Either way, she has to get to another hospital for treatment. That is what I am trying to get her to do but she is not responding...I am worried sick. This is beyond h#ll.


She just texted me that she is on her way to another hospital. One piece of good news...


Oh honey-I don't know what to write. I am here and I care and I will pray. Lots of love to you


Thank you everyone, so so much for just being here. She was supposed to call me once she got to the hospital and I never heard from her. I have no idea if she made it or not. When I talked to her last night she had her normal difficult child attitude and seemed plain annoyed that I was so worried about her. She was with the a hole. I think it may be time to try to put together an intervention but where do I start?? That seems to be my last option...


PG - I am so sorry she is putting you through so much worry.... our difficult children just don't get the fact that we worry about them do they? It amazes me that they think so little of our feelings in they put us through.


Calamity Jane

Well-Known Member
Hi PG,
I looked up the AISCB (Assoc. of Intervention Specialists) for board certified interventionists in your state. There is one interventionist listed, you may want to give her a call, her info is below. I hope your daughter is back in the hospital by now. Good luck.
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Well-Known Member
CJ thank you for helping PG in finding an interventionist in her area however I edited the post to remove the name and address for privacy. Please pm PG with the information and I'm sure it will be helpful if she decides to go that route. If you need help on how to pm let us know and we will gladly guide you.



New Member
I am so sorry. I understand yoour fear and your worry. She is sick she is using she needs medical care and isn't getting it. Maybe an intervention is the only thing you can do right now. I will continue to pray for her. -RM


Thank you all!! We kind of did have a mini intervention last night. She called me from another hospital and asked if I would come keep her company as she had no one. Of course, I took the opportunity as a last ditch effort to talk some sense into her. So I went there and they did not admit her. She needs to see a surgeon to have some of it removed. I will be making those calls this morning. I am not leaving this one up to her to do herself. No way. Not messing with this.
She cut off all her hair! It looks really cute - a bob where it is shorter in the back and longer on the sides. She did it herself. I told her I will take her somewhere to have the back straightened up but she did a pretty good job and she looks adorable. So, we got her medications filled and went to dinner and talked. She looked better than I thought she would. I was really scared of what she would look like, so I didn't bring easy child with me. Everything we talked about somehow revolved back to A hole. She is so hung up on this guy. Everything she does is in hopes that she will get him back. Ugh. But, she did tell me that she would go to my friend's. :D
So, we went to my friend's house and the three of us sat in a circle and chatted. difficult child showed me some drawings and poems she has done. She is so amazingly talented. She seemed to thrive in the compliments and my goodness it was so good to see her smile. Then we got to business.
She showed us her medical papers that the hospital gave her and in her discharge papers was a section saying tests showed that she has a substance abuse problem! We showed her and she waived it off saying everyone gets that. We told her absolutely not! That neither one of us had ever had that on one of our discharge papers?! She opened up and told me what she has been doing (shooting up) and the biggest step of all?? She finally admitted she was a drug addict. Never, ever has she admitted that before - not in front of me anyway. It is the first step. But, she thinks as long as she can hold a job and blah, blah everything in moderation BS. You all know the talk. We gave her a big reality dose and showed her how she does not have it together. Not in the least. She has lost everything in her life because of drugs. There were tears in her eyes and I swear something clicked up there. Maybe a tiny, teeny little click. But a click nonetheless.
I was tired and heading home and she was worried about me driving because I was tired. It was 11pm and I am usually asleep by then. She told me to text or call her when I got home so she knows I made it home safe. So, I sent her one when I got home saying it was good to see her and how much I loved her. She wrote back that she loved me too and it was great spending time with me. She said thank you for everything. I told her I would go to the moon and back for her and she says, I am gonna try for you momma. I bursted into tears. I am still teary. I told her to do it for her. That she deserved so much more out of life and that I would support her 100% as long as she was trying. She has been completely out of my life and I miss her like crazy, as weird as that I NEED to find that line of being in her life, but not enabling her. That is a very hard line to find but I am going to try. It was so good just to see her and she was actually being nice and pleasant for a change and that made the night that much more enjoyable. Maybe geting kicked out of a hospital showed her how badly she behaves?

Do I think this is it? Sadly, no. I know that she has to get to a point where she wants to do it for herself. She still absolutely refuses rehab and claims she can do this on her own. So, no, I don't think this is bottom. But, it is a step...and every little step helps...

Now my mission is to find a surgeon so she can get back on the mend. Thank you all so much for being here during this crisis. I honestly don't know what I would do with out this board!!!


Well-Known Member
PG every time they admit they have a drug problem is good. They have that in their memory bank even if they fall. I'm glad you got to spend time with her and that she listened.

You know I'm praying for her.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
"She wrote back that she loved me too and it was great spending time with me. She said thank you for everything. I told her I would go to the moon and back for her and she says, I am gonna try for you momma. I bursted into tears. I am still teary. I told her to do it for her. That she deserved so much more out of life and that I would support her 100% as long as she was trying. "

PG, thanks for the update, the above quote made me cry, it sounded so much like a conversation I recently had with my difficult child. We mothers sure are a persistent lot, aren't we? I am no expert in SA, nor do I have experience in that area, however, I have listened carefully to my therapist in our group when she talks to the parents of kids who are using. I have heard her say many times that each step in recovery, no matter how small, is a positive step and each bit of honesty that the kids admit to, is important because if they use again, that information is stored in their brains and each subsequent 'high' is impacted. She always says, recovery ruins their highs, sometimes bit by bit, but nevertheless, the high is not as good because they really do know better. And the knowing better grows.

I'm happy you and your girl had such a meaningful time together and that you are feeling better today. You and your difficult child are in my prayers.


I am pulling for her and happy for you. Please keep us updated. It's a step in the right direction and that is so hopeful!!!


She called excited that she received her first paycheck today and asked if I would bring her later to cash it. Gosh, just her voice sounded better today than it has in a while. She wants to buy the movie Braveheart? LOL. She called asking if I had it, which I do not. I did tell her that I had Breaking Dawn and she was thrilled about that. It was odd watching it without her. We went to see each of the first ones together. I asked why she would want to spend her money on a movie, but then I thought, she could be spending it on far worse things. I won't complain. I am bringing her a box of movies when I pick her up for the surgeon. I was able to get her an appointment for 3:30 today...