trying very hard to stay calm


Well-Known Member
<throttle> <choke> <rattle>
Man. You wonder what on earth is going on that difficult child takes a major nose-dive this year, and... it's the doggone school messing up.
been there done that too often.
And THEY just shrug their shoulders and say "oh, well"... as though it really doesn't make any difference.

difficult child, of course, can't really explain what the difference is between this year and last year...


CD Hall of Fame
Grrrrrrr. I had to inform or remind a few teachers this year that mine has an IEP and modified homework. I'm thinking I'll ask that informing them from the get-go be put in the next one so I don't have to do it all myself. Our school has this online access thing so I can easily email all her teachers, but really... I shouldn't have to.


Active Member
So, one of difficult child's issues yesterday was that she was behind on math. So she sits down last night to work on it, and managed 4 problems in a half an hour. (Can't focus- Concerta worn off at this point) She starts to lose it, and I manage to calm her down, and husband decided to do some of her HW to see what it was that was stressing her out. She is in Algebra 2. husband starts getting angry swearing and saying how stupid the work is. (by the way husband is a physicist, so the math was simple for him) He said it was just stupid. One problem took him 30 minutes to solve. So, he is forcing the modified H.W. at today's mtg.

Hoping that she gets out of the car today. Wish me luck.


Active Member
Just out of curiosity, how did you find out that the GC never sent the 504 information to the teachers? The school year is almost over now! Are the teachers even going to care at this point about information they should have received months ago? I would be so pi$$ed off with tht GC!!!


Active Member
The GC ADMITTED it tome!!! I could not believe he said that. It was something to the effect of I guess I should let her teachers know that she has a 504, and that she is having a hard time. I about reached through the phone to throttle him. I will just have to sit back and watch today during the meeting. husband is usually very very laid back, but he is just furious that difficult child has had to deal with all of this without school help. (He finally saw how bad it was when he took her to school one day right before spring break.)


New Member
Have you never talked to any of her teachers? That's the problem with a 504. There is no incentive or procedure for being accountable. It's hard enough to make sure general Ed knows about an iep. But at least there are periodic reviews and there has to be documentation on each of the objectives.

We can never leave any of this to the case managers. Pretty sad but there really needs to be at last weekly communication. I get daily emails which the teacher is not thrilled with but......tough noogies.

Maybe add to the plan that there will be a weekly our bi weekly email sent to you updating each class. What the gc discussed with each teacher.

Also, develop a brief email or hard copy of a summary of difficult child and hand out out to every teacher at the beginning of each quarter/trimester, whatever. Clearly you can't leave that to them.

Actually not sharing the information seems like a civil rights violation but do you want the expense of pursuing that law suit?

Sill, bringing that up could be insentive to give her added tutoring and accommodations.

I hope you can also get a direct line to a person who will meet your car daily.

Hope the meeting goes well!


Active Member
Well, it is 6:56 and difficult child is not out of bed yet. But,"she is not going to be late!" Whatever. I am getting to the point where I just no longer care. The point I was hoping to not reach. The point where I say to husband, difficult child and the school, I wash my hands. Do what ever you want. I am just so tired. Even when it isn't school, I feel like I have to always "be on" regarding difficult child. Does that make sense?

On a positive note, I told husband that I am going on a weeks vacation the beginning of Sept. to the beach. The same place as last year. It is 5 long months away, but I am already looking forward to it.


New Member
Good. By the way, just journal it. It is more evidence for her needs at school.....esp. document what happens each time she is at school refusing to get out.

Has she ever agreed to you walking her in? I can't remember.