difficult child 2 has lots of problems with organization, distractions, and study habits too. When difficult child 2 was younger, he received Occupational Therapist (OT) services at school. The Occupational Therapist (OT) had us buy him a different color folder for papers for every subject. The Occupational Therapist (OT) had him divide each folder into sections - 1 for homework assignments, 1 for completed assignments, etc. difficult child 2 was supposed to take the time to organize his papers daily. ( He required lots of help to do this.) The Occupational Therapist (OT) inspected his locker (the inside is always stuffed with garbage) weekly. She made him throw out everything that wasn't necessary - old candy wrappers, bits of string, bits of paper, used tissues, etc. Things improved a bit when he had Occupational Therapist (OT) services. As soon as the school stopped these services, he became totally disorganized in school again.
I used to make difficult child 2 do his homework in the kitchen - less distractions than in his room. Things took forever!!! difficult child 2 has absolutely no sense of time. I found out from his teachers how much time it should take to complete each assignment. I set the kitchen timer. This gave difficult child 2 a visual reminder of how long he was spending on each assignment. The bottom line - Homework time was a living HE77 for me.
Finally, I decided enough was enough. I decided to let difficult child 2 do his homework in his room. However, I remove the most distracting items. difficult child 2 isn't allowed to have these back until he completes his assignments and puts his books back into his backpack. (I keep the backpack in the downstairs hall by the back door. If left to him, it would be stuffed with junk - rotten food, dirty tissues, broken bits of erasers, pencils, etc,. difficult child 2 knows that I inspect it frequently and will throw out all inappropriate items.)
Anyway, the point of all my rambling is that it might be a good idea to get an Occupational Therapist (OT) evaluation on your difficult child. A good Occupational Therapist (OT) can really help with organizational problems. Just a thought - I hope whatever you decide to do, you're successful in finding your difficult child the help he needs to do his best in school. WFEN