My first thought after reading their assesment was......Oh dear Lord.....after Dude? They're not taking ANY chances with ANY kid - because he was their ONCE and DONE kid. I'm not kidding - he put the "system" through the wringer and because of a lot of his behaviors - quite a lot of people in this program became EXTREMELY educated, alert, aware, to the situation that we as parents are facing every day. I feel for your situation, but in ours I was actually relieved that Dude behaved like he did "OUT" of our home. When his THERAPEUTIC foster parents and the "State Agency" secretly met to 'give him back' to us without notice - which is against rules - but they were out of options at that point???? We took him in for two weeks and then were told he would most likely end up in prison. Well thanks for that - and did you ALSO read our shrinks report that said we were sleeping at night with locks on our door in fear for our own life? Huh DID YA? Thanks for nothing.
Since our parting nearly four years ago? NOT A SINGLE SOLITARY SOUL has botherd to call us and do ANY type of follow up..and here's the kicker? Dudes case worker couldn't possibly forget HIS birthday - it was the same as his. So don't tell me you don't remember him. All I can say is - from what I've been trying to follow the Governor is trying to get rid of Budget and Control Board which I believe is where this program stems from and gets the majority of it's funding. Then again - she's WHOLE HOG on mental illness problems - so it's quite an oxy moron if you ask me. Perhaps she's picking and choosing which mental illnesses she's backing? I actually backed HER because she was so gung-ho for helping mental illness get recognition and put dollars back on the table for help. My suggestion would be to call her office, speak with her staff secretary and voice your concerns. One of her pet projects IS mental health wellness.
Yup when Dude was done with this office here in the MIdlands? I think they ALL took a two week vacation - NOT KIDDING. And like you I kept asking? Are you people seriously trying to help????? WTH?
I'm really sorry for you. I wished I lived closer - I really would take her for an afternoon and give you some respite. After being married to Satan and living with Dude? I'm not afraid of anything, or anyone.
Hugs & Love
OH and one thought does COME to mind?????
FOR A bit of respite - WHY COULDN"T they put her in a locked facitlity for a weekend???? SURELY THOSE PEOPLE have the ability to look after her - We used to do that with Dude. They'd take him to Some place in Augusta, and another here in Columbia. They take him and drop him off and pick him up. THEY CAN ARRANGE THAT FOR A WEEKEND. FYI/