Unusual hand posturing / rigid finger positions?


New Member
I was thinking this too... I also agreed, a pediatrician. neuro to check for other issues is a great idea...

Make sure it is a pediatrician. neuro and they are not just seizure focused... some of them are and they are GREAT for that issue but really some of them (we got stuck going thru a few) want nothing to do with other issues.


Well-Known Member
I think ABA and other autistic services would benefit any kid with speech, expression, and sensory issues. At your son's age, in my opinion the diagnosis is less important than the treatment. The diagnosis usually changes as the child gets older and things become more clearcut. I would certainly go ahead with the services you have in place. They sound good.

Warning about behavior therapists: Our "special" kids tend not to respond well to their methods, but there is no harm in seeing if YOUR child does. Nothing is wasted. Anything you do helps you figure out what works and does not work for your particular child.

Hugzzzzzz and good luck!


Although I do not have any information to help you, I just wanted you to know I'm here to support you. I do know a little about Bipolar because my friends daughter who is now 13 years old, has been diagnoesd for a few years. She has had mood swings,violence issues,and lying but as far as I know, never any hand posturing/finger positions. I wish you luck. Hugs


New Member
Hi pattyb,

What you have described sounds much like my son. He is four years old and experienced a sudden onset of symptoms. Have you received any answers?


New Member
Hi pattyb,

What you have described sounds much like my son. He is four years old and experienced a sudden onset of symptoms. Have you received any answers?

What both of you are describing sounds very much like PANDAS or PANS. Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep or Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. The symptoms come on very quickly and include Tics, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), extreme anxiety, eating changes, mood swings, sensory sensitivity. Please consider this. Many doctors are not knowledgeable about this so do your own research and find a specialist. Other doctors will misdiagnose and this is treated much differently than a Psychological or mental problem.


New Member
Does this sound familiar to anyone? We have a 4-year-old son diagnosed with a mood disorder, with anxious features. Autism has been ruled out but one psychologist described the hand postures, finger twisting, rigid-type finger posturing, as 'autistic-like' even though she did not believe he is on the spectrum. We haven't seen this talked about as far as mood disorders but I am not sure. I am wondering if it sounds like a pediatric bipolar or mood disorder symptom? It's not repetitive, more of just rigid sometimes claw-like hand/knuckle positions he seems to do unknowingly. He also does strange hand postures right in front of his eyes, almost like making a glasses shape with his hands or just putting his hands in front of his face and seeming to stare through them, when he is calming down after a meltdown or sometimes while having a meltdown. Thanks for any info!

Hi pattyb,

What you have described sounds much like my son. He is four years old and experienced a sudden onset of symptoms. Have you received any answers?

What both of you are describing sounds very much like PANDAS or PANS. Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep or Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. The symptoms come on very quickly and include Tics, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), extreme anxiety, eating changes, mood swings, sensory sensitivity. Please consider this. Many doctors are not knowledgeable about this so do your own research and find a specialist. Other doctors will misdiagnose and this is treated much differently than a Psychological or mental problem.