Sometimes, through our own experiences, we jump to conclusions. I feel as though I wasn't out of line for I wasn't anymore direct with her than others have been direct with me. When I complained, I was told to show grace and understanding around that since we all have good intentions here, which MY intentions are GOOD. Since I am being called out on this thread, can I defend myself here as well? I feel like I am being mad out to be the bad guy here. Can I ask exactly what I said that was wrong? I think it's very mild compared to what has been said to me and others in the past.
Let's look at the situation and why I responded the way I did. I pride myself of giving individual responses and not let my own experiences skew my vision. When a poster makes a post, I read every word and really listen, I even go back and read their previous posts just like I did with Ersi. Maybe for any of you who did not approve of my answers, please go back and read her prior posts. Most of you who are commenting now already said back then, what I have already said.
If you go to her first thread ever on this board , she says that she is not going to go into details. So I was basing my advice on what she did give.
Second. Her daughter has been out of the home since June and has not asked her mother for help for anything. She pays her car payments and cell phone. What is this daughter doing that is so wrong? Ok, she broke the agreement of not staying clean to which I agreed a thousand times, Ersi should take the car. When have I said any differently? Please point it out to me.
Daughter wrote one message on facebook saying "there you got what you wanted. I hope you're happy now". To me, that is nothing compared to what your children have wrote to you or about you on social media. That's what I mean when I say that sometimes our own experiences skew our thinking and we immediately jump to conclusions without REALLY listening and treating each situation individually.
Ersi said she is smoking weed and drinking. Coming from a mother of a former pot addict, unless her daughter is addicted to it, it's not actually a call for serious concern. Most of you are bringing up your own child's drug addictions (which include meth and more hard core drugs) which Ersi's daughter's "drug use" pales in compared to your kids and my child. She is not some harden drug addict criminal. She is smoking pot and drinking, which many young adults do, which many of us have done.
I am going to be honest, I feel there is a lot of over reaction here to this daughter for whom I developed a heart for. In my eyes, I see a girl who is trying to be independent, not asking for anything, and not getting into trouble. She should be applauded for that. Is she making some minor mistakes? Of course, but we all make mistakes. But her mistakes aren't screaming to me any need for some serious concern. She is a young adult learning life. The mere fact that she moved out of the house six months ago, hasn't asked her parents for anything, pays her car payment and cell phone payment is actually very admiring and I don't even know the girl, but I am proud of her. What is this daughter doing that is so horribly wrong? For her mother to say the only positive thing she see's is only that she is still alive, really actually stunned me and.... hurt me. I don't understand it. I totally agree with Ersi taking the car away, that was the right thing to do. But I don't agree with her over-all attitude that it's all gloom and doom for her daughter. I am going to be honest, I am not sorry for how I feel. Obviously, my opinion is not a popular one. However, I think it would be wrong for me to say I take back how I feel. If I said it in such an awful manner, I apologize Ersi.