difficult child seems to be doing ok. He's still working at the same job and going to school. We speak about once a month on the phone and his girlfriend keeps in touch with me via e-mail. I still wish he would go back on his medications but keep my opinions to myself. girlfriend wants them to get a place together but he wants to wait and go slowly on that. I though that was a good decision for him to have made. Then there is the typical difficult child behavior of nothing ever being his fault. His license was suspended until he completed his drug/alcohol class after his last DUI. It wouldn't be reinstated until the paperwork was sent to DMV that he had completed the class. It was never sent (of course, this was not difficult child's fault, "someone else" was supposed to do it.) So he's been driving on the revoked list to get back and forth to work. I can almost understand that, but then he gets pulled over for speeding. If you're driving illegally, why would you speed? So of course, this is also not his fault and he's going to fight the speeding ticket. What a relief to know I don't have to be involved in this. I was able to say "Hmmm, that's too bad, I hope it all works out for you." The fact that I live in another state makes it easier to distance myself from his "stuff" too.