I dropped a copy of the brochure off at attny's office and made some notes on the back- basicly, PO was supposed to have the parole plan (not just placement decision) written and presented yesterday- that would legally have to include terms of parole and any required services, time limits, etc, to step doown and ultimately get off parole. They wouldn't even answer these questions directly when asked. Secondly, they verbally claim reunification is the goal however the program isn't a reunification prgram. Thirdly, they told difficult child he could be out as early as 3 mos but when directly asked what it would take other than difficult child maintaining good behavior for 3 mos, there answer was "we'll just have to see how he's doing and determine then when we think he's ready". That is NOT a measurable goal, which is required for any gov service, program, and even parole/probation.
Therefore, I'm asking for a hearing before a judge for any reason the attny can get it there to 1) ask if there can be an established reunification plan, the same as dss is required to do, 2) if there is not going to be a reunification plan, then can I be released from csu requirements, 3) clarify what are rights, responsibilities, and requirements
But most importantly, it would force PO/super to submit to the court their current parole plan- not just the placement issue- so they would have to have measurable goals written and submitted, as they are required by law to do, otherwise a judge would have no idea how to evaluate the case. "We'll see how it goes and how he's doing and what we think, even if he's behaved for 90 days" won't cut it in court.
It's my understanding that a kid coming out of a Department of Juvenile Justice facility can have the case reviewed by a judge. That alone is grounds for a hearing if requested.