New Member
Stressed, our doctor had a plan in place before Q went in. We had to go thru ER because he had medication issues and had been aggressive so had to be medically cleared they said, but when I got there I told the social worker that we had a plan for if there was a bed open at X hospital (it is a small child/adolescent hospital and that is all that is there...OP on one side inpt on the other side, like a little business building, kind of cute actually) and doctor had already checked and they had a few discharges that day so I knew there would be a bed, they had a heads up the call could be coming so things went smoothly (the first time but the second when he had seizures it took longer because we had to go to a different ER to get him int o the neuro hospital and they refused to take him due to the behaviors, but his intake evaluation was good for 30 days at the first hospital so they just took him back)... that is how we did it. I think a huge key for you is not having a psychiatrist who is supportive of your input and beliefs about your own child! I dont know if you are limited in psychiatrist choices but if you can, as you call around ask if you can interview the doctor before you choose them as the care giver for your child. I have done that for each of our docs and they have respected that and have been partners in his care (so far, for two that means for over twelve years).
And LOL, I know... yes three weeks seems long... but it was complicated by his enzyme issue and medication sensitivities and then the seizures so I guess they could make more of a medical case for keeping him??? I wanted him home sooner because he too likes it and picks up all kinds of lovely behaviors.
And LOL, I know... yes three weeks seems long... but it was complicated by his enzyme issue and medication sensitivities and then the seizures so I guess they could make more of a medical case for keeping him??? I wanted him home sooner because he too likes it and picks up all kinds of lovely behaviors.