Hound dog
Nana's are Beautiful
Travis had to write a really long essay for his entrance exam for college. (a placement type test) This has always been his weakest point in school. So when he finished he did the usual of having someone proof read it for him. Since easy child is the best at this sort of thing and she was over for his birthday yesterday she did it.
He did a superb job actually and it only needed a few minor corrections.
The problem is that his subject was based on people's expectations of normal. And he wrote about how at one time he had given up on college or ever being what he'd always seen himself being as an adult because other people told him because of his disabilities it wasn't possible. And went on to explain how if you hear you're not capable of doing something enough times you begin to believe it.
He didn't say it, but he was referring to me.
I know because I outright asked him. And being Travis, lying or tactfulness has never been a strong suit.
I never told him once he couldn't go to college. I did tell him once that I had no clue as to how to help him get the help he would need in order to go to college with supports in place. That's it, I swear.
But he really believes I told him he couldn't do it.
There is only 1 thing I've ever told the boy he could NOT do. Drive. And even this was after checking with every one I could possibly check with to be certain it was so.
Travis often twists reality. So I suppose I really shouldn't let it get to me. Nor did he really talk about it in a mean or resentful sort of way. But it did hurt as I've always thought of myself as his number 1 supporter, pushing him to always do the very best he could do, even when docs said it couldn't be done.
Then on top of it I've only recently learned he is not setting it up so that he can have a personal assistant or any special help in his classes. According to him the Disabilities office told him he had to have recent doctor reports stating his various disabilities as well as a copy of his school IEP. Well, he just simply can't afford to go to any docs. No insurance and no money. And I can't afford to pay for it either.
So the kid is setting himself up to fail. ACK! And of course he won't listen to me so I've resolved to keep my mouth shut.
Afterall he got this far all by himself..........maybe he'll do ok afterall, who knows.
He did a superb job actually and it only needed a few minor corrections.
The problem is that his subject was based on people's expectations of normal. And he wrote about how at one time he had given up on college or ever being what he'd always seen himself being as an adult because other people told him because of his disabilities it wasn't possible. And went on to explain how if you hear you're not capable of doing something enough times you begin to believe it.
He didn't say it, but he was referring to me.
I never told him once he couldn't go to college. I did tell him once that I had no clue as to how to help him get the help he would need in order to go to college with supports in place. That's it, I swear.
But he really believes I told him he couldn't do it.
There is only 1 thing I've ever told the boy he could NOT do. Drive. And even this was after checking with every one I could possibly check with to be certain it was so.
Travis often twists reality. So I suppose I really shouldn't let it get to me. Nor did he really talk about it in a mean or resentful sort of way. But it did hurt as I've always thought of myself as his number 1 supporter, pushing him to always do the very best he could do, even when docs said it couldn't be done.
Then on top of it I've only recently learned he is not setting it up so that he can have a personal assistant or any special help in his classes. According to him the Disabilities office told him he had to have recent doctor reports stating his various disabilities as well as a copy of his school IEP. Well, he just simply can't afford to go to any docs. No insurance and no money. And I can't afford to pay for it either.
So the kid is setting himself up to fail. ACK! And of course he won't listen to me so I've resolved to keep my mouth shut.
Afterall he got this far all by himself..........maybe he'll do ok afterall, who knows.