I have an example that may or may not help you, in regard to Aspie thinking ...
Last night, difficult child asked me to rub his shoulders. We had stayed up late, and husband had gone to bed hours earlier. I had my arms full of stuff I had just brought upstairs, and did not want to answer difficult child by shouting across the hallway. So I put the stuff down and by the time I got to difficult child's room, he had shouted, "MOM!!!" really loudly 2 more times.
"Shhh!" I said. "Dad's trying to sleep. What are you doing?"
"You didn't answer me the first time so I shouted so you could hear me." (He's shouting this, too.)
"But now you're shouting and you know that you're not supposed to. Besides, your voice sounds angry and it does not make me want to rub your shoulders."
"Well, I just wanted to make sure you heard me."
This could easily turn into a major argument, and major disrespect from difficult child. Years ago, it would have. Now I know that I have to express myself in a normal tone of voice, and make sure that he knows what the situation is. It totally de-escalates everything. (Not to mention that he was waiting for a shoulder massage and knew enough not to escalate, so he IS learning.)
I had to really think about this, and whether he was just being a brat or whether it was because he still has problems with-theory of mind. (In a sense, not having good theory of mind could be a facet of major league immaturity, too. "It's all about ME!")
But he answered my question matter-of-factly--"I didn't think you could hear me." When I looked at it from his point of view, it made sense.
I once again told him, "Shh, wait," and that time, he did wait, quietly.
He is still ODD but since he's been on lithium and seroquel, it has helped a lot. He is more willing to talk things out, and that helps me to get inside his head. That's always the hard part--getting inside these kids' heads and figuring out just what they're thinking, because it's sure not what everyone else is thinking!
I hope I explained this clearly and didn't muddle it all up.