Thank you.
No hoodie.

He blew up at me yesterday. easy child promised him that if he was nice to me all day, she'd left a book and some earrings and a necklace on the kitchen table for him.
Well, he was good until he went into easy child's room and used her laptop to go on FB.
She said she was glad he told her about it, even if it was after the fact, and that all he had to do was ask.
He twisted that to mean that what he did was okay.
So I skipped a trip to the grocery store and went straight home to see if he'd been anywhere else on her computer (i.e. buying iTunes) and he blew up. Once we got home, he turned it into a You-vs-Me thing and said all we do is criticize him and never compliment him on the good stuff, and was have to trust him just this much (showing me the space between his thumb and his finger, about 1/2 inch) and blah blah blah and followed me everywhere.
He complained that I didn't even look at the history on the laptop and judged him immediately. I shouted, "WELCOME TO YOUR NEW LIFE, THIEF!"
That, of course, set him off again. Hey, not the best parenting but I'd just had it.
It turned out that he had not gone on any other sites, so that part was true, but it was also true that he want into easy child's room and used her laptop with-o permission.
He got so bad that I sat at the DR table and sobbed.
Then we were both crying.
Then he put his hand on my arm and told me it was going to be okay because he didn't mean any of it and he knew that we loved him and he was just mad, and asked me if I needed anything. More Kleenex? Something for a headache? A hug?
He promised that he would try harder and that this was just a start.
We both went to bed around 8:00 because we were so emotionally exhausted.
Today, he's been answering my calls (he's got his ph) because I ran errands and ea time b4 I hung up, he told me he loved me.
When I brought home groceries and plants, he helped me carry them in.
He did the dishes and took the dogs out.
Then he asked if he was being good. I said yes.
I have to try sooooo hard not to be sarcastic. That's defintely part of my MO.
I can't wait for Wed when we get the lithium scrip.
How long does it take to show any effect (not counting the bathroom issues, I mean, psychologically)?