We've lost our dear friend, DDD


Active Member
It's with a heavy heart that I wanted to let the SA group know that we've lost our dear sweet DDD. She passed away last night.

Out of respect for her privacy and the wishes of her family, I would just like to ask those that pray to say a prayer for her, and to toast her (cyberly with or without alcohol).

Here's to our dear friend, who was a warrior mom for so many years and was always there for the board members. May the cutty be abundant for you, my friend. You've earned it and I shall miss you dearly.



Well-Known Member
I am absolutely heartbroken but I know that our loss is heavens gain.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

DDD...I will miss you dearly til we meet again.
Love always,
Your friend,


Well-Known Member
She will be missed greatly also here half the world away. I only knew him for the short couple of years and only here in the web, but she was a great support for me during some very tough times.

Rest in Peace, DDD and prayers to her loved ones who have suffered this terrible loss.


Staff member
She was a kind and generous person whose words of encouragement and support have touched the lives of many. She will truly be missed. RIP DDD.

Calamity Jane

Well-Known Member
Oh, that's heartbreaking news. I'm so terribly sad for her family. May she rest in peace. She was a wonderful pillar of this board, and will be sorely missed. May God bless...


....Hopeful Now
Oh my that is such sad news. She was always so encouraging to me on the boards. Will miss you terribly DDD. Prayers to her family.

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Active Member
Salute to a dear friend and warrior mom DDD....
"....may the road rise to meet you
may the wind always be at your back
may the sun shine warm upon your face
may the rains fall softly upon your fields..."
...till we meet again. SunnyFlorida