Piglet, this is so sad. The scary thing is that amongst young adults, it has become completely socially acceptable to "divorce" your parents. It is epidemic all over the world...good, loving parent's kids decide not to have in their lives anymore and that is that. Gone boy did it.
Perhaps Ferb somehow connects you to Lloyd's suicide. Perhaps he is so unhappy that he has to blame somebody.. who better than Mom? We are the usual target.
I am glad you have your daughter. My other kids are Godsends to my broken heart, even Bart.. At least he would never reject me. And we connect on certain levels. I thank God every day for them...and my hub and loving pets.
The kids that reject us...the hurt is deep.
Ferb sounds unwilling to help himself. You gave him all your love and every chance and now it is on his shoulders. His choice. Sad.
Perhaps one day he will look back and appreciate you. Anything is possible. Mine did not...but he did not even meet us until he was six years old. There is a difference and I hope Ferb stops his anger at you. It is so unfair
Meanwhile, just know you did your very best and it's his turn to do good for himself.
I wish you a peaceful night, thinking of all the blessings you do have. And I hope you get another pig!!! Big hugs.