What Do You Think?

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Star your that lil conscience dude that sits on my left shoulder......lol And I depend on your bluntness........and other's as well.

I'm not going to turn her in. Even if I catch him there. Shelter will be turning him out soon anyway, if they haven't already. Then he'll be there full time when not at work.......and she'll be reported fast enough. I'll just have a friend or 3 start watching the apartment in addition to Nichole's bff. I still know several families who live there. Benefits of a small town.

I'm not going to play the bad guy in this little drama of theirs. Let them hang themselves.


call 911........call 911

I hope like crazy, crazy I am so wrong on this - I'll love it when you go "Well Star you really goofed that one." I'll have a party here and everything. Mostly because I think Katy and the kids deserve a life without that man messing it up. It would be one thing if he would just step up and be responsible, or even try. Who knows maybe he does see how happy the kids are and will just disappear? Katie will take charge of her life and it will all be wonderful for them.

A Nana and an Auntie can hope. I have lots of that. And prayers and Angels....but for my last nickle? I'd spend it to have someone kick his ........dishwashing kiester elsewhere. Just like I hope the system finds a way to keep my x in jail so Dude can get himself established without x messing that up. I'm not getting involved either - but I don't know why these slugs just can't crawl back under a rock.

Good on ya for watching the apt. I guess I woudln't want to turn em in either. Frustrated auntie talking.


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