In our side yard...I hear my Dude age 4 and my nephew age 3 - 5,4,3,2,1 then PppppKEW (blast off noise) and SPLASH DOWN.....and entire box of Tampax cardboard tampons (36 count) paper torn blowing all over the driveway - and there in the kiddie wading pool are about 30 "paratroopers" who have valiantly and bravely parachuted out of their cardboard planes into the murky depths below anxiously awaited by a rubber dolphin and a Great White shark.
Standing close by - My x, his brother and three of their beer drinking buddies nearly bent over to the ground laughing so hard they could barely breath - especially when the rubber shark "attacked" the parachuting paratrooper and swallowed him whole. It was all fun and games until someone suggested I bring them out a "life-raft".
Pretty sure that man STILL walks with a limp.
Oddest Find ever in the baking cabinet? Five cans of ready made frosting all empty - with the foil in tact and the lids on. - Can you imagine Betty Crocker SELLING them like that? You know - with sloppy Elmers glue down the side of the can to seal the aluminum seal back on after the frosting was missing? THE NERVE. FIVE CANS!!