Scent of Cedar *
Well-Known Member
Where, oh where, has Daphne of the mixed metaphors gone?
he knew who he was, even while he was enslaved to them; even when he was imprisoned, by them.
I believe I have been upfront about my FOO relationships as I know them to be and if the poster really is interested in learning more, all she needs to do is read, but I am not going to fight with her or anybody.
The outrageous (and they are outrageous) behaviors of our roaringly dysfunctional sibs reveal the intrinsic pathology in the roles we were enslaved to fulfill.
This is interesting to me. What you are saying here Cedar, I think, is that there is a conversation going on here. A lock and key conversation. They are "the key." Like Daphne tried to do, each of our sisters does the same.We grew up with the messages our sisters are so determinedly sending to this day.
That is their fascination for us.
And that is why wanting has to be be filled by meaningless "stuff" now. Because I am not allowing myself to fill my desires assertively, with sustenance, and visible out of the shadows. So, that is next. Our blog. A book. Several books. (I always thought that would be my destiny. When I was writing my dissertation, I loved it so much, the process, I would actually plan how many books I might have time to write in my life. 25 years later. Zero.) The new Big City. M. I love and respect him so much. He respects and loves me so much. There is confidence there, in one another.I mean enslaved in the sense that we were never allowed legitimacy outside the parameters of the role.
I looked up Authoritarian Personality when I read this and the rest of your post. That was a concept developed in mid 20th century, after the calamity in Europe to explain the rise of Hitler. It is also used to explain the societal racism in Southern USA as well as in other places.The reflex self righteousness of the outraged racist who, as my sister claims to do too, walks with some version of the Lord in justifying her determination to hate and devalue and disparage.
I cannot bear, almost, to remember it.Just think of Serenity's rabidly obsessed sister taking some weird satisfaction from imagining the hurt Serenity will feel.
Because we are meant to by the oppressors. We are the missing signifiers that carry the shame. They insist on being the signifiers that carry the sentence. That carry the dominant meaning. But the thing is sometimes it is the missing signifier that has the power. That is why they have to kill us off. (I know this does not make sense. But it make sense to me. I will get there so that I can explain it better.)Why do we carry the shame of their dysfunction?
And their fascination with us. Because as long as we live, they will be enslaved. Not us.There is a key for us here: Enslaved. Imprisoned.
That is us.
Enslaved to the required roles then, in our childhoods; imprisoned within the roles now, by our habitual patterns of thinking.
The outrageous (and they are outrageous) behaviors of our roaringly dysfunctional sibs reveal the intrinsic pathology in the roles we were enslaved to fulfill.
Think about that for a minute. See without the hurt. See the horrible damage in those roles. We lived that.
We grew up with the messages our sisters are so determinedly sending to this day.
That is their fascination for us.
By them. Not outside of their sphere...which as demonstrated by Daphne...they no longer control.I mean enslaved in the sense that we were never allowed legitimacy outside the parameters of the role.
Yes.Born into families committed to a systematic dehumanization similar in form and function to the systematic dehumanization of societal racism, we are victims of prejudice as surely as any disenfranchised people.
Yes.Put the pieces together. Trace the way we are so determinedly seen by our sisters in light of what we know of the justification employed to service the hatred of the rabid racist.
There is something here about killing out a family line, that should be expunged. (While I never reproduced biologically, I did reproduce culturally...the culture of Copa...which is as different from that of my sister as can be....) There is the sense here not only that we should be silenced or marginalized or discredited or blanketed but to be killed off. Like Eugenics.Think of the truth that in each of our cases, the males who love us are hated as passionately as we are; that they are lied about and fiercely disparaged as are our children.
See Authoritarian Personality and see if it fits, Cedar.The reflex self righteousness of the outraged racist who, as my sister claims to do too, walks with some version of the Lord in justifying her determination to hate and devalue and disparage.
Fanon uses the term "ghosts" to refer to the same thing. And claims that when the ghosts empower themselves they are unstoppable.What it feels like, to have been blinded as we have been, is that feeling of "automaton". That numbing comprised of confusion and primal fear. Now, we see it for what it is.
Sadists do. Daphne is punishing Serenity for leaving her. Because in her heart she knows she is nothing without her. She is missing a piece of herself, that it seems she will never find. She could, if she saw the brokenness in herself. As each of us has had to do.Just think of Serenity's rabidly obsessed sister taking some weird satisfaction from imagining the hurt Serenity will feel.
Who does that?
Yes.But in exposing the nature of the dysfunction she carries here, your sister has enabled each of us to see ourselves and our positions with clarity.
We have been working around it, but only now named it. Thank you, Daphne.The way we see our sisters: This too is a role, is an identity we were hurt into and how did we miss that?!?
See Fanon Thread.We will come to the heart of this and choose freedom for ourselves as surely as people of color are fighting for their own freedom.
What I think it is is they covet a part of themselves that is tied to us. What I am trying to express with the missing signifier. Their sense of self, their power and efficacy was always contingent from the beginning on us. Our love. They are enraged that we left. They need us back to be complete. Even if they cannot accept it. They hate us not because they hate us.They hate us because we left...and they feel we left carrying a piece of them...that they need. They need us. We do not need them. They hate that. That is part of Daphne's rage.The blind hatred fueling prejudice and racism. That's what fuels our dysfunctional family systems to this very day.
This reminds me of my sister. How she identified with the worst of my become herself.“Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions”
― Frantz Fanon
I think of our sisters here too. And our part, too, which we are changing. That is the conversation. Our task is to identify the conversations we are having about power. Daphne helped us a great deal.“The Negro enslaved by his inferiority, the white man enslaved by his superiority alike behave in accordance with a neurotic orientation.”
― Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks
I see my sister in this, too.“The unpreparedness of the educated classes, the lack of practical links between them and the mass of the people, their laziness, and, let it be said, their cowardice at the decisive moment of the struggle will give rise to tragic mishaps.”
Maybe if I can find her emails to attorney and feel up to it, I can post one or two, as a way to help us.
She wanted me to buy from her anything of my mothers things that I wanted. When her will left each of us the right to have some things. I gave her first choice. She wanted me to purchase from her the rest.
They are tears of love. Good tears.That should be fun. Maybe I won't cry today when she leaves, b ut I think I will still cry...
I always cry when I have to leave one of my kids.
In our sisters' grandiosity they tell each of us what we should not do or be. Or not do or be. By each of the things they grasp and hoard, they indicate to us what we cannot have. Because it is theirs. So this is why I compulsively shop on the internet. Buying things I never wanted or needed or ever will need. Because I am trying to get something...blindly...even that which I do not want. Perhaps especially that which I do not want. As a punishment for wanting anything at all. I am punishing myself for wanting anything by buying what I do not need...sometimes I do not even open the packages. I am trying to fill the empty loneliness and want within me that feels I cannot ever be filled by anything good....How is it that this still persists??? And why???
So, that is next. Our blog. A book. Several books. (I always thought that would be my destiny. When I was writing my dissertation, I loved it so much, the process, I would actually plan how many books I might have time to write in my life. 25 years later. Zero.) The new Big City. M. I love and respect him so much. He respects and loves me so much. There is confidence there, in one another.
Authoritarian Personality
There was an element of torture there, and sadism.
Daphne enjoys inflicting pain and humiliation on her victim. I believe my sister may have an element of this. I fear. I am so, so sorry for us. Daphne acted against each of us. To frighten us. To make us feel unsafe and watched. How horrible to live as she does.
And now I am thinking of my sister. The pregnant silence. I am having twins. The intent is the same. To retreat in shame to my corner. Not enough. Not right. Not worthy.
Because we are meant to by the oppressors. We are the missing signifiers that carry the shame. They insist on being the signifiers that carry the sentence. That carry the dominant meaning. But the thing is sometimes it is the missing signifier that has the power. That is why they have to kill us off. (I know this does not make sense. But it make sense to me. I will get there so that I can explain it better.)
And their fascination with us. Because as long as we live, they will be enslaved. Not us.
There is something here about killing out a family line, that should be expunged. (While I never reproduced biologically, I did reproduce culturally...the culture of Copa...which is as different from that of my sister as can be....) There is the sense here not only that we should be silenced or marginalized or discredited or blanketed but to be killed off. Like Eugenics.
Fanon uses the term "ghosts" to refer to the same thing. And claims that when the ghosts empower themselves they are unstoppable.
Sadists do. Daphne is punishing Serenity for leaving her. Because in her heart she knows she is nothing without her. She is missing a piece of herself, that it seems she will never find. She could, if she saw the brokenness in herself. As each of us has had to do.
Their sense of self, their power and efficacy was always contingent from the beginning on us.
They hate us not because they hate us.They hate us because we left...and they feel we left carrying a piece of them...that they need. They need us. We do not need them. They hate that. That is part of Daphne's rage.
Maybe she is gaslighting you?Still, I cannot understand this email. She knows as well as anybody else, what my personality is, what my role in the family has been and was. She knows that none of this happened. What is her win?
Still, I cannot understand this email. She knows as well as anybody else, what my personality is, what my role in the family has been and was. She knows that none of this happened. What is her win?
Must be the hallmark of a dysfunctional family. My famaily is worse. They think that their own facts about me are true when they weren't even there most of the time. When I hear my mother's take on things, it always boggles my mind. It is always something she decides to perceive as negative and it is almost always not true.So, your sister may or may not believe herself Copa? But if she is anything like my sister, she switches facts around with impunity.
So does my mom.
She is lying to make you the bad guy, in my opinion.If it were me Copa, I would assume the sister were lying and who cares why.