Well-Known Member
I mean, if he is in the hospital, I would like to know. Or if something very serious happens. Or even some general trends with him etc. I like to be informed. But difficult child lives three hours from me. He is an adult. What I'm suppose to do for his everyday hassles? Or even every month hassles?
I just spent half an hour in phone with my difficult child's girlfriend and tried to calm her down. So this time this is on her. But if I hadn't called difficult child's coach to get a better picture of the situation, I'm sure he would had called me. difficult child has had tough time lately in several ways and today he was not happy with his performance and had a small meltdown. Apparently nothing too serious but his positional coach sent him running to cool off two hours ago. It should had taken him half an hour. The problem is, that he has not got back. It is already quite late here, dark and rainy. Miserable weather. Apparently lights on the route he went to have been turned off hour ago. So if he is somewhere there he is alone in the dark forest. Anyway the trail is surrounded by lived area and/or roads with lights. He is not lost in any wilderness. difficult child's phone and keys are in the locker room, so are his street clothes and wallet.
His coaches called his girlfriend to make sure he has not just went home in the huff. They also apparently called friends and team mates to ask if anyone has seen him. No one has and they left to check a route and look for him. Okay, I'm happy they are going to look. And there is reason to worry, if he is not found in next few hours. And I would want them to call in that case. But right now there are too likely scenarios. Either difficult child has been so angry, he has went somewhere else than to the route and will turn up somewhere later. Or he has done as told, but been so upset he has stopped somewhere on the way to think and has forgotten that lights go out in certain time. And after he has found himself in dark, he has probably either stayed put angry to the whole world and knowing someone will come looking or if he has been close to some road/lived area walked there and is walking back by much longer route. Of course there is a possibility that he has hurt himself and is actually in need for help, but that is not too likely.
And more than anything, just now I wouldn't need to know he is missing. I can't do anything for the matter. Except keep my phone on, because if he has found himself somewhere farther away and found someone to borrow a phone to make a call for help getting a ride, my number is the likeliest one for him to remember (no one remembers phone numbers any more like in the old days.) But I always do keep it on anyway. So here I am, sitting, waiting, being worried while I should be soundly sleeping because I have an early morning tomorrow. But it is not like I can sleep before he is found. And while I do know there is probably no reason to worry, I think you can all guess that it is not that easy...
I'm frustrated and I don't know for whom mostly. For difficult child because he always has to create some drama. His girlfriend who is beside herself of worry, everyone who always feel to need to call me to inform me about difficult child's drama or simply for the world that I have a kid like this. Just futile frustration and worry and no sleep any time soon.
I just spent half an hour in phone with my difficult child's girlfriend and tried to calm her down. So this time this is on her. But if I hadn't called difficult child's coach to get a better picture of the situation, I'm sure he would had called me. difficult child has had tough time lately in several ways and today he was not happy with his performance and had a small meltdown. Apparently nothing too serious but his positional coach sent him running to cool off two hours ago. It should had taken him half an hour. The problem is, that he has not got back. It is already quite late here, dark and rainy. Miserable weather. Apparently lights on the route he went to have been turned off hour ago. So if he is somewhere there he is alone in the dark forest. Anyway the trail is surrounded by lived area and/or roads with lights. He is not lost in any wilderness. difficult child's phone and keys are in the locker room, so are his street clothes and wallet.
His coaches called his girlfriend to make sure he has not just went home in the huff. They also apparently called friends and team mates to ask if anyone has seen him. No one has and they left to check a route and look for him. Okay, I'm happy they are going to look. And there is reason to worry, if he is not found in next few hours. And I would want them to call in that case. But right now there are too likely scenarios. Either difficult child has been so angry, he has went somewhere else than to the route and will turn up somewhere later. Or he has done as told, but been so upset he has stopped somewhere on the way to think and has forgotten that lights go out in certain time. And after he has found himself in dark, he has probably either stayed put angry to the whole world and knowing someone will come looking or if he has been close to some road/lived area walked there and is walking back by much longer route. Of course there is a possibility that he has hurt himself and is actually in need for help, but that is not too likely.
And more than anything, just now I wouldn't need to know he is missing. I can't do anything for the matter. Except keep my phone on, because if he has found himself somewhere farther away and found someone to borrow a phone to make a call for help getting a ride, my number is the likeliest one for him to remember (no one remembers phone numbers any more like in the old days.) But I always do keep it on anyway. So here I am, sitting, waiting, being worried while I should be soundly sleeping because I have an early morning tomorrow. But it is not like I can sleep before he is found. And while I do know there is probably no reason to worry, I think you can all guess that it is not that easy...
I'm frustrated and I don't know for whom mostly. For difficult child because he always has to create some drama. His girlfriend who is beside herself of worry, everyone who always feel to need to call me to inform me about difficult child's drama or simply for the world that I have a kid like this. Just futile frustration and worry and no sleep any time soon.

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