Here is my update, and thank you to the wonderful kind souls offering me a ride to the hospital.
I did get opted in to my benefits. Now I can go to the hospital, gain the weight, and go away to a residential place for 3-4 months.
I can't go right now. My son who is in New Brunswick, Nj ( yes, it's a bad scene up there, that poor , poor child whose privacy was invaded). Well, Cole needs new teeth. I mean all of them. He was born without enamel and the dentist put a temporary fix a few years a go, but it's falling apart and his teeth are loose. I got him an appointment Oct 11, at least to start. He'll be home that 1 day. Plus I'm having a bridge replaced on Tueday at the dentist.
It's excuses. But I really need to eat here, the hopital has awful food and if you don't eat everything they give you a feeding tube. I don't want to be a prisoner, I have to eat, even though I have the worst guilt you can ever imagine. husband bought me my favorite pizza, and candy which i eat every meal. It's so good that the guilt doesn't happen until NOW, after I wake up and realize what I've done. Monday I'm calling that Dr. and tell him I'll go in the 13th. The 12th is easy child's driving test. I can always cancel if I'm higheer than 87. But I'm not. But, I'd rather go to jail honestly because there you won't have to eat. It is jail, and what type of grown-up does this? I'm rambling here. husband thinks everything is fine, and "just eat". He gets angry, but today he's going to a football game and I'll be free of that. Tomorrow I'll call the eating disorder Dr. and tell you when I'm going in. I'll be brave and make the call. You will all be with me while I dial. love all of you!-Alyssa