Wish difficult child luck tomorrow for talk with boss


Well-Known Member
Good luck.

My son's friend works as an assistant @ a clinic. He failed the vet tech course twice as he has very serious LDs. He is very happy in his job. I have never seen anyone as good with animals as him but your girl sounds close.

Any word?


Well-Known Member
The two doctors she wanted to talk to were not in until Wednesday so she talked to the office manager. She suggested that difficult child wait until summer when she will have been there six months and they have a full staff of receptionists so that it will not put on strain on the front desk but said she should definitely talk to them about it then. Right now they are down a receptionist and don;t want to hire another one yet because it's their slow season so they are all picking up extra shifts to cover it.

I told her I thought that was a good plan. She is planning on going to the community college Wednesday to see about taking a class.



yay - sounds good and sounds like good advice. small steps lead to big, SUSTAINABLE changes. :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sounds like a great plan, Nancy. Taking a college course would help show the doctors that she is serious about wanting to move up to an assistant.

She really is doing well. Enjoy.

I hope that your daughter is encouraged by what the office manager told her today. This is a big step in the right direction for her life, and she should be proud of herself. Good news!


Wow Nancy, it sounds like she is taking really positive steps for her future... she has come a long long way!!!



New Member
I love that the office manager encouraged her in a realistic way, and that she is thinking of ways to further her growth on her own too! You must be very proud.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. Yes I am very proud, but I am also very realistic and know this only lasts as long as she is following the program. The thing that keeps me going is that as she gets more success and feels better about herself it is one step closer to maybe her not wanting to go back to how horrible and dark things were a year ago. For most of us, once we are on a good path we continue on that road. For our little addicts, that good path has so many twists and turns that it takes a great deal of work to stay on it.
