Wish Us Luck - Karate Tournament - UPDATED ! ! ! !


New Member
Thanks to everyone for the congrats - I have passed them all on to difficult child, who deserves it!! :grin: I was so happy for him that I felt a bit guilty for feeling so good (isn't that weird???)!

Sorry it took me so long to respond to your well-wishes. For some reason, all of my passwords were erased from the computer over the weekend and it took me this long to figure everything back out. Thank God I can type because I am not technologically gifted.

I was told yesterday by a Mom who was also at the tournament that husband's response to difficult child's win was heard all the way up in the stands - guess he was a bit more exuberant than the reserved crowd in attendance. Hee hee. Oh well - we were just so happy at the moment for difficult child that I guess husband expressed it in a loud manner - what am I saying - husband is loud saying Good Morning. Hmmm, maybe that's where difficult child gets that habit! lol

Thanks again! :wink: