Worried Sick and don't know what to do...


Active Member
Prayers and hope being sent your way. Stay the course and yes, a lawyer might be helpful to get him in rehab. I'm not sure why he is being treated as an adult-but I would ask if there are some juvenile justice programs he could go to. Many are longer stay and deal with both drugs and mental health issues. ((Hugs))


New Member
Hi everyone! Thank you again so much for you support - this is just tearing me up inside. It's going downhill ; the kids in fb are trying to set up a time and date for my son to come to fight - they are planning on video tapping it and have a place where no "police" will show up. I posted on the thread ( I have access to an old account of my son's) and said that the police would be getting a copy of this.
So I have two options - in approx one week he has the probate court date where I can present my evidence and get him sent to rehab by the judge's order. That way there will be no wiggling out of it....
My second option is to pay the bounty hunter and have him sent back to jail - to sober up there. It all depends on how far things go - I am praying and hoping he will make it to next week with no problem so that I can go that route I so desperately have been trying for which is rehab....

I will not have much access to internet until next week - but I wanted to touch base with everyone here. Thank you again - to all of you . THis is probably just the beginning of the battle....

I think 3 months to 9 months in a rehab could possibly save his life....

I will update and let you all know what happens



Well-Known Member
You need to take those fb comments and go to the police now while your son is still considered a minor. Ask them to file harassment charges and stalking and cyber bullying and whatever else they can charge them with. Also ask for a restraining order.



I agree with Nancy. I don't understand why the Probate Judge couldn't issue an ex-parte order now due to the circumstances. Waiting a week isn't a good idea. The woman I dealt with to get my difficult child approved by insurance was great. However, she told me that almost all of them use heavier and use new drugs right before they go to rehab. My difficult child did. She told me it was critical to get him there NOW - by the way, she handles all Blue Cross rehabs for my state.

Good luck!


Yes I would print out the FB stuff and take it to the police... and ask their advice. Let them deal with these kids and also your son.... and you keep coming here!!!
