
  1. A

    aggression and adhd

    Hi I am new to this forum, but recently I have been dealing with some issues that I need some help and support with and someone reccomended this site to me. My dss9 is adhd and on concerta, for two years his systems have been controled well and he has done fine in school, not all of a sudden...
  2. neednewtechnique

    First time visit at inpatient facility

    Okay, today was the first day we were able to go visit difficult child at the inpatient facility she was placed at earlier this week. I do not think the visit went well at all. She was nice and all, not mean or angry or in a bad mood, but my confidence level in the facility itself kinda plummetted and...
  3. T

    What do I do??? LONG!!

    Hey everyone! I don't know if you remember me cause I haven't been on in awhile, but I need some advice ASAP! For those who don't remember, my difficult child 2 is 4 1/2 and has been diagnosis with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified, DBD, and possible Aspergers. But they don't know for sure about Aspergers. They are afraid to label him. He...
  4. Dara

    They want to medicate without knowing what he has!

    I spoke to the neurologist today because Sammy's behavior has spiraled out of control at home again but worse. We have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic in late april or may but that seems a long time to wait without doing anything. ANyways, I called the Neurologist thinking that he would want...
  5. S

    Health problems due to medications?

    Hello ya'll. I need some advice here. My daughter is taking Invega, Clonidine and Topomax for ADHD, Tourettes and ODD. She recently gained almost 10 pounds in about 2 weeks. i noticed a few times lately she has mentioned her legs hurt (growing pains or medication related I don't know) and she seems to be having...
  6. cutedimples

    another lost friendship

    I got a call today from the mother of my son's favorite friend asking me not to allow Jake to come over anymore. Their friendship is relatively new and started so promisingly, but as usual, Jake's anger and lack of social skills alienated him again. And afterwards, I was so upset but tried so...
  7. H

    A moment...

    I have learned alot from this group. One thing is that difficult child seems to feed off of my emotions, stress, voice level. Today she came out dressed in dirty clothes (normal for her...sigh). I instantly could smell urine. I wanted to rip her face off and ask what she peed on this time. I simply...
  8. Futurama91

    New here, at wits' end

    I came online tonight looking for more info about ODD because my daughter has it and it has been a long day. She's 8 years old and also has PTSD and panic attacks. Her biggest problem, though, is the ODD. She's just abusive and mean. I don't really understand why she's this way. I have another daughter...
  9. smallworld

    Newsweek article on childhood bipolar

    This week's cover story in Newsweek details the life of a boy with bipolar disorder. Some of it rings all too true.
  10. S

    New here...son diagnosis with ADHD

    Boy am I glad to have found this place!! My 4 1/2 year old son was recently diagnosis with ADHD. I had my suspicions from about the time he was 2 on. It has progressively gotten worse since then. We have been having a very difficult time with him. I have just been at the end of my rope lately. I...
  11. J

    high functioning moments?

    hi to all, I just had to ask a question. I was just wondering does anyone else have a child with whom exhibits average functioning behaviors at certain time frames during day/week? I think that's why this is all so confusing for me. Only 6 mos. ago my little girl was outside riding her bike...
  12. totoro

    Mom shh, I have a secret, we are Super Heroes!

    OK... long night. K has been horrible for months, if you have been keeping track.:dissapointed: Her delusions have gotten so much worse in the past few months. I am trying to keep separate the new addition of Depakote and her "normal" behaviors!!! But, husband left for a week on Monday... she had...
  13. I

    Hi I am new to the site and need some advice

    I have not quite got the abbreviations down so pleae bare with me... My DS will be four. We have always had a hard time with him since his premature birth. He attended a nursery school at two and did not adjust well. We were told by the school and family members that since he was an only...
  14. P

    I Need Some Help

    I am in need of some help. I have a 9 year old difficult child who is causing some problems. He has ADHD and I'm thinking maybe some ODD also. He has been very aggressive and just down right mean to his brothers and sisters, and me too. Right now he is one zoloft and adderall. Anyway, when I was taking him...
  15. TerryJ2

    Halloween--no medications!!!

    I am so exhausted. I dropped difficult child off at a friend's house last night for trick-or-treating. The mom promised to give him his medications. (Clonidine and Vistaril.) It was nice to be able to leave him, because I dressed up, too, and went to a small party. difficult child's friend's mom had friends over, eating and...
  16. Big Bad Kitty

    She's in the psychiatric hospital

    I know this is the best thing for her. I know it down to the very pit of my soul. But I can't stop crying. I miss her so much. She is laying such a guilt trip on me. I walked into her bedroom and it felt like she had died. This is too much pain for my heart to handle all at once. She's still...
  17. D


    I came across this website lastnight when searching for help. Why is it I cannot get anybody to help with my "difficult child?"? He has not done enough wrong to have juvie to step in, child protective services will not step in because I have not beat him to death, yet. Even though he is becoming more and...
  18. amazeofgrace

    difficult child II home

    difficult child II was released from in hospital today, despite the fact that he assaulted a nurse and an aide last night, and was put in confinement. Depsite the fact that the SW admitted his mood swings were "scarey". Despite the fact that the partial hsop appointment isnt until Monday. He is now home with me again...
  19. C

    Ticking Time Bomb

    I feel like I'm living with a ticking time bomb. Things have been pretty good lately. A few angry outburst but quick to calm and not violent towards me or anyone else UNTIL.... this weekend. We went to Lowe's to run a quick errand, difficult child sees a cooler of large water botttles and wants one. I...
  20. wakeupcall

    Eleven..going on...THREE

    I SWEAR.......this child is going to do me in. As you may know from another post of mine, I've been watching difficult child's blood pressure as it seems to be creeping upward. I've been keeping a log of it each day taken about the same time. Last evening it was normal and I was SO excited (I've been...