Hello! I am new to the forum. I stumbled onto the site while doing a google search while I'm at home waiting for my SO to get home with our difficult child (7, adhd, odd,cd, possible cobd). Over the last couple of months we had been seeing an escalation in difficult child's oppositional and aggressive tendencies which...
I'm feeling like dam*ed if I do, dam*ed if I don't....
Neuro has been telling me for months to give Vyvanse a try with difficult child. I took her off of stims because I felt they were causing her to be more aggressive & mean......even though she was on them for quite a long time with other positive...
So, last night was the first full night home for D. He had a good day at school and came home happy to play with his brothers. There was some tension with A, but I did see that D was able to compromise and work things out which is a major milestone!!
But, as dinner time came along, things...
My son somewhat recently had his medications changed to place him on Risperdal. He was previously on Depakote and Clonidine. The psychiatric felt that Risperdal would adress his aggresive behavior better than the Depakote. When I read up on Risperdal though, it says it can increase agressiveness 26% of...
Woo hoo!
That's the best news I've heard in a long time.
We picked up difficult child after lunch today. First, we talked to the soc wkr. He was American and had no accent. :)
He said difficult child's notable characteristics are that he is extremely impulsive, very stubborn, and that his intelligence was way up...
My name is Jessica and I have 4 children. My one daughter is 8 yrs,old and she has been diagnosed with ADHD/ Bipolar. I noticed when she was very young that something was not right. She was a very agressive with others, she had a lot of trouble siteing still and was very distructive!! I started...
DevPed wants to start wee difficult child on Tenex to slow him a bit. She thinks perhaps slowing him down will help with impulsivity?
Anyone with experience?
I'm willing to try, but I'll admit I'm skeptical. We go through sometimes long periods of time where he's extremely hyper, but the impulsivity...
Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I've posted here. I've been very busy working with difficult child on his Sensory Integration Disorder (SID). We did successfully get an IEP, so that is one big plus. Thanks to all of you who were helpful and supportive there. He's been off medications for about 4 months now and has grown so much. He...
My son is 5 and has been diagnosed as adhd and o.d.d. Not only is he hyperactive but he is very aggressive and stubborn. I am finding it very difficult to get him to sleep at night and am looking for any advice to help. I am a single mother working 2 jobs and a 3rd job being taking care of my...
husband and I are coming close to the end of the line with-difficult child. We have all made so much progress, but we are all exhausted.
difficult child will be going to public school soon, and that will help him immensely, but right now, husband and I need help.
I lost my temper with-difficult child Mon while trying to help him with-math. I tried...
My 9 yo Daughter has been put on Depakote along with her risperdal and clonidine for her manic state. Is there anything that I should look out for? Does anyone have anything to tell me about Depakote? Good or Bad.
Smallworld's comments on my Neuro-psychiatric thread made me want to post now about our psychiatrist apt yesterday.
Our Neuro-psychiatric feels that K, once stable,she feels K is stable, could use a tiny bit of an ADHD medication.
She feels of course that this is between us and our psychiatrist. She was highly recommended...
:happy: Greetings!
I'm Michelle... I have a 16 year old who has ADHD, ODD and Asperger's Syndrome (some forms of all but not all inclusive).
Some days it's easy and others are a real challenge. The biggest obstacle seems to be his inability to effectively socialize properly. We've been through...
We saw the psychiatric this past Tuesday. It didnt take much observation to see how impulsive, hyper, inattentive, unfocused, non compliant, defying authority, difficult child is. I told the psychiatric that difficult child is like that all the time and throw in some aggressive meltdowns and explosions every now and again for...
Well, we have an appointment with the Partial psychiatrist Friday for Dyl. I haven't kept up to date on all the newest, latest, greatest medications out there for ADHD symptoms - and I'm just lookin' to see if anyone knows anything new or has had luck with something after trying others and having none LOL!
I'm exhausted and fed up today. difficult child generally is doing much better these days, especially at school. He has made a number of friends (including a BEST friend), he is doing great academically, and his anxiety level is way down. But, he is still hitting and threatening husband, easy child, and me on a...
I asked him if he wanted me to explain what all of the pills did as I handed them to him. I started telling him which one was for allergies, fish oil, Vit C, probiotics, clonidine and 10 mg zoloft. These are all 2x a day. He started listening and then stopped and swallowed them all and said "na...
:confused1:I've never done one of these things, but I'm running out of options with my 3 year old son (my difficult child?) We have been seeing a psychiatrist for about 9 months because my son is ADHD and ODD. He's also 65 lbs and as tall as a 7 year old and very strong- not a good combination. Recently our...
I honestly believe that there are times when people need medications rx'd to function normally. But, am I the only person that believes that sometimes medications are rx'd when they shouldn't be- just because a good therapist can't be found to deal with psychiatric problems so people start thinking medications MUST be needed?
If the Illinois legislature doesn't get their collective butts in gear THIS WEEK, my children will lose:
*their psychiatrists
*their therapists
*their prescription drug coverage
*the autism family resource center
*half of their adoption subsidy
Kanga's Residential Treatment Center (RTC) should be fine as that is...