
  1. K

    New behavior

    It's been a while, we have been on vacation. During the vacation some issues came up that are new and I am not quite sure how to handle it. Anxiety level really shoots through the roof. He admitted he doesn't like feeling scared all the time. Tried talking to him, but doesn't help his fears...
  2. totoro

    Nuerontin time...

    So we start Nuerontin tommorow... we are increasing K's Lamictal 100mg a.m. and 100mg p.m. That will be ther maximum amount. We are also starting Nuerontin 100mg a.m. and 100mg p.m. hoping to help with anxiety... we shall see. I found this on the Bipolar Child under treating Anxiety, it made me...
  3. J

    another new medication trial

    hi... so i went to difficult child's pyschdoc today, to see if we can find another medication. We had to pull the lamictal last week due to the burn/rash that appeared. i went alone this time, so that him and i could have a more intelligent conversation, speaking very openly about the medications, approaches...
  4. givnmegryhr

    Antianxiety medications

    I may have asked this before, but I can't find the answer and to be honest, I forget. Not a big surprise. difficult child was on lithium in the summer, unfortunately he became toxic and the psychiatrist decided to switch to Lamictal. He had been doing pretty well,but his anxiety level has gotten worse. He makes me...
  5. K


    What do you think. Several years ago when difficult child had been on Lamictal for 3 years we tried lexapro. Ten mg. difficult child didn't sleep for days. Then psychiatrist added remeron (sp?). Then he was so totally messed up we had to start from scratch. He started back on Lamictal - his request last fall. Not...
  6. J

    Migraine medications

    easy child started taking Anafranil on Monday. It seems to be helping her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) a little already but she is still having headaches daily. I called her neurologist to see if there is anything she can take for migraines for pain short term while we figure out if the anafranil is working. He said there is...
  7. O

    New here with new diagnosis and medical issues

    Hello all I am new to this board and really glad I found this site. I hope someone can help me understand all of this as it is new to me. I was not sure where to post this, so please direct me to the right forum for the future if you can. Thanks First off my name is Christine, I have two...
  8. gcvmom

    So far, Remeron is not cutting it for difficult child 1

    It's been a couple of weeks for difficult child 1 on Remeron. And although he's not as physically impulsive and destructive when he's upset now, he is still upset a lot now -- more than he was when he was on an SSRI (except that on the SSRI he was very destructive and violent once his stimulant wore off)...
  9. flutterby

    What IS it with these psychiatrists???

    difficult child 2's mom took difficult child 2 to the psychiatrist today to *try* to get him on a mood stabilizer. He is currently taking 5mg Zyprexa and Welbutrin (don't remember the dosage). This is a different psychiatrist than he's seen, but at the same facility. The last psychiatrist (in the same facility) put him on Welbutrin because...
  10. D

    New to board-need input on daughter's symptoms

    Hi, I am new to this board. I have a 14 yr old daughter with the "alphabet soup" of diagnoses. Started out of age 3 with- ADHD and PPD-not otherwise specified. Age six, added Bipolar. Since then (15 hospitalizations and 3 RTCs later) she carries the following diagnoses: ADHD, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified, ODD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), complex partial seizure...
  11. 2

    Help 2 boys with High-Functioning Autism (HFA), High IQ + Aggression

    I have three sons ages 6,3, and 8 months. Both the 6 and 3 year old have been diagnosed with autism. Both were hyperlexic at 12 months, however neither spoke until 3 in sentences. Both the 6 and 3 year old are on IEP's and have been formally diagnosed with autism. My 6 year old is very...
  12. V

    (I'm New) and I don't want to be around my child anymore

    I have a 12 year old son, who was diagnosis'd with BiPolar (BP) and ADHD years ago. We have been through tons of medication changes and have had many ups and downs (more downs then ups) We'd tried every form of discipline; time outs, spanking, taking away his electronics, grounding from friends, along with patience and...
  13. michiganmomma

    Does it ever get better???

    Hi all, I'm not new, but for the life of me I can't remember my old log in. I'm gonna just jump right in: Difficult Child (9) had a great week last week. He was well behaved at school and home. He had a very productive therapy session, he was wonderful. Friday, he saw on the calendar when Mother's Day is...
  14. crazymama30

    school problems, ADHD or Hypomanic?

    Alright ladies, help me out. difficult child started out the school year badly, very emotional about alot of things. We increased his Lamictal from 150mg to 200mg, and things got better. Now, he is sooo hyper. He is on the go, cannot sit still, cannot quit talking. But he is not defiant. If I ask him...
  15. L

    New here and would love advice from your experience!

    Hi all! I've been behind the scenes for a long time. I'm posting today because I am just at a loss as to what to do. My Twin B (boy, age 9) is just not improving. If anything, things are getting worse. The sadness, eloping, rages, crying ALL the time, screaming about how nobody loves him...
  16. P

    Adderall--bad batch of pills?

    Hi My 12 year old son has been over the top silly for the last ten days or so, about the time that we switched to a new bottle of pills. Up 'til this point his medication regimen seems to have been working very well. Usually his small dose of Adderall seems to keep the silliness in check very well...
  17. flutterby

    psychiatrist appointment

    Apparently there was some huge misunderstanding with the psychiatrist's office. I thought that I was supposed to go the first time alone, and then schedule difficult child. That didn't seem weird to me as that's how it's almost always been with every mental health professional she's seen. But, no. I get there...
  18. W

    HUGE Blowup tonight

    And was so close to having to call, it's like he KNOWS where the line is and he will NOT cross it. It took a lot of people convincing me (once someone TOLD me that was even on option) that it was ok to call 911 if he should become a threat to himself or others..and I finally have told...
  19. crazymama30

    more medication changes

    and I hate medication changes. About a month or so ago we increased difficult child's daytrana due to increased hyperactivity, impulsivity, and he was just on the go. The first week I saw no change, the second week he was great! Thoughtful, kind, calm, everything I knew he could be. Well that only lasted a...
  20. J

    difficult child in the hospital/new diagnosis

    difficult child is in the psychiatric hospital again. 4th time this year. Her Dr, who I am told is very very good and was assigned difficult child because she has had so many numerous hospitalizations. She is taking her off the Abilify all together, and they are putting her on Trileptil. Is this good news? She has gained 40 lbs...