
  1. crazymama30


    So of all the problems difficult child has, he has now started stuttering. Never had a problem with it before. The stuttering started after we reduced his short acting adderall from 10mg in the am and 10mg after school time to 5mg both times and for the last month has been on 5mg only in the morning. We...
  2. YoursMineAndOurs


    Its a long story but I will get straight to the point. My boyfriend's niece is a difficult child, she is 14 years old and has showed signs of being bi-polar since shes a young child. Her parents had her on a low dose of prozac and she seemed to be doing great. 4 years ago she was taken from the parents and placed...
  3. ShakespeareMamaX

    The 21 facts of (my) life...

    Whoooooooooo, Buddy! I haven't been here for a while! I missed you guys and, unfortunately, have to come back with a sack of problems. First, some good news... I got a promotion at my job! Hooray! Bad news...I may not be able to keep the position (or my job, for that matter) if my difficult child doesn't...
  4. W

    New Here.....Help!!!!!!!!!!ADHD/ODD

    My daughter is 14 ADD, not a lot of problems except disorganized, my 7 year old son is another story, he has been on Focalin XR15mg for about a year now, and school time has improved almost 100%(grades and behavior) BUT before and after school is a complete nightmare, he will not listen to...
  5. crazymama30


    For those of you with kiddos on abilfy, I have a question. difficult child was just increased to 5mg. I have always given it at night. psychiatrist mentioned difficult child may need a morning dose and I was just wondering if anyone had given abilify twice a day and did it seem more effective when given this way? difficult child has...
  6. M


    Anyone willing to share their thoughts about effectiveness, etc., of Abilify? I've read about it but would like opinions from those who know firsthand. TIA.
  7. M

    Abilify and CD?

    Hi all!! Sorry I have been MIA...lots going on around here (as I am sure you all can commisserate with!). Hubs got home a few weeks ago and has, to his credit, jumped in on the "no freedoms" policy for SD2. She had no clothes or toys in her room, but she took her furniture and left her with a...
  8. C

    Lamictal and Abilify

    My 12 year old son's psychiatrist just just recommended weaning him off Zoloft and starting Lamictal - he's starting with 25mg. Then in about 3 days he wants him to add 2mg of Abilify. Any info you can share about these medications - especially pertaining to weight gain, sleepiness/sleeplessness, irritability...
  9. T

    Lithium, Abilify, Geodon, Lamictal??? Thoughts please.

    Hi all, I've posted a bit in the past month about difficult child's latest mood cyclying...In the past 6 weeks, he has had two hypomanic periods and a lot of depression, with maybe two good days. We have switched from Trileptal to Depakote ER. Thus far, Depakote isn't working out so well. difficult child has been...
  10. R

    from Risperdone to Abilify for my 6 year old.

    Hello, I have a very irritable, fluctuating moody impulsive little girl. doctor had her on very low dose of liquid risperdone and it works great. I noticed an insatiable appetite and weight gain. doctor said stop for just 24 hours with risperdone and switch to abilify. Since I did not notice any...
  11. G

    difficult child II going on Luvox

  12. R

    Any thoughts on Lamictal or Geodone for my defiant 6 year old?

    We are having such trougble with my daughter not behaving and she is impossible to deal with. Abilify has not worked at all. In fact it made her start being violent with classmates and I finally got it out of her system and the violence stopped. She is just totally moodly, irritable and...
  13. jannie

    tic central

    Sorry I haven't been around too much--Two weeks ago I checked out Facebook...and wow it sure can be addicting... Anyway...difficult child 1 started this new tic about 5 days ago where he is shrugging his shoulder and moving his head side to side rapidly multiple times a minute all day long !!! He has been...
  14. F

    tell me it gets better...please!!!

  15. J

    lamictal update and question......

    hi :) so we're on day 5 of lamictal. i've noticed at bedtime the first night she passed out on half of 25mg i know really low dose. yet the rest of the nights it activated her. i have call into psychdoc for an appointment. yet i was wondering anyone else have this experience?? if so did it help...
  16. crazymama30


    So difficult child is being cross tapered from Abilify to Seroquel. He is currently at 7.5mg Abilify (was at 15mg twice a day) and 200mg Seroquel. I spoke to him last night, and his irritability is way up. He says he is tired (he always says that even if he is crazy active, I think his body gets tired...
  17. R

    Anyone done this medication combo?

    difficult child 2 has moved into full blown Early Onset Bipolar 1 since starting school the beginning of Sept. A lot of mixed symptoms that culminated in aggressive rages. While I was pretty sure he would end up with a BiPolar (BP) diagnosis his psychiatrist was on the fence and stuck with the Mood Disorder not otherwise specified label until a...
  18. J

    Can Anyone Relate to This Behavior in Their difficult child's?

    Our difficult child is 7. Current diagnosis is ADHD/ADD combined type with Mood Dis not otherwise specified. He takes Seroquel and Prozac and is in a therapeutic school program. Stimulants have never helped, only made things worse. He has always had some anxiety even though earlier doctors said he didn't. Last week difficult child was to go...
  19. hamsterwheel

    Is there hope?

    How do reach a child that is engulfed in abandonment and despair? She looks to her me, her mom for the answers, to guide her, to love her. Mother says you can reach for the stars, you can do it, only to come back with an empty hand, broken and defeated. My daughter, the reason I breathe is...
  20. M

    BiPolar (BP) rage, control

    Any comments on the following: the medication (abilify 7mg) keeps things quite wonderful (except for some excess weight) most of the time but once every few days, when he's tired, he'll go into a mode where he wants to control everyone completely and then of course is frustrated and lashes out in a...