
  1. whatamess

    Ritalin and the perfect/horrible day(s)

    Ok guys, help me out here. difficult child started on 5mg/2x a day of ritalin almost two weeks ago, after a few days of no change the plan was to up it to 10mg/2x a day. On day 5 of the medications difficult child had a spectacular morning at school, refused afternoon medications and was aggressive and acting out. Tuesday took...
  2. Big Bad Kitty

    medication question and Tink update

    SO, Tink now has a formal diagnosis of bipolar and ADHD. For a couple years, all prior to her first psychiatric hospital visit, she was on Abilify. DUring those years we have trialled Metadate (made her cry), Focalin (made her violent), Tenex (made her sleepy), Prozac (turned her into her own evil twin). She was on...
  3. P

    cognitive inflexibility--HELP!

    I'm looking for some help here on how to help difficult child 2 who seems to get very stuck on one way of thinking or in some emotion. When he had his neuropsychologist testing done the tester obseved that he had the highest number of attempts she had ever seen on this one test (moving pegs?)--he persevered...
  4. Janna

    ADHD medication Advice

    Well, we have an appointment with the Partial psychiatrist Friday for Dyl. I haven't kept up to date on all the newest, latest, greatest medications out there for ADHD symptoms - and I'm just lookin' to see if anyone knows anything new or has had luck with something after trying others and having none LOL! Dylan...
  5. somerset

    Need advice and opinions - psychiatrist just added adderall

    I talked to the psychiatrist just now about how difficult child is still really depressed. She's not going to school, is in bed all day, feels nothing is worth doing, doesn't see friends, etc. She's been on Celexa for 6 weeks and it hasn't been helping at all. She's been on 20mg. He said we should try 30mg. He...
  6. F

    How do we all survive this?

    You would think that I would be used to a life like this by now after having been born to a difficult child mother (no contact with her for the past 16 yrs) and giving birth to a difficult child son 8 1/2 years ago. But no. I am not used to it since peace and tranquility happen to be the life style I personally...
  7. gcvmom

    difficult child 1 becoming more hostile

    We've been having a lot of problems with difficult child 1's behavior the past few months. He provokes his sibs verbally and physically (name calling, poking, spitting, threatening to hit, etc.) and then when they react he gets violent. He is argumentative with both husband and I and gets confrontational and...
  8. jannie

    double dosage today oops

    This morning husband and I had plans to be out of the house for about 7 hours to attend a party for a friend from college. Somehow as we were running around getting ready we each gave difficult child 2 his medicine; so he recieved double dosage. I stayed pretty calm and called the docs and pharmacy to make...
  9. gcvmom

    Camp ends tomorrow -- good week overall!

    difficult child 2 had only one timeout today -- YAY! Again, for minor stuff. No violence, no inappropriate behavior with other kids. I think the Seroquel bump is working, but I'm not sure if this is truly enough yet. He's still a bit impulsive in the late afternoon now (at least we're getting a couple...
  10. P

    Isolation chamber-Special Education??

    Hi Just thought I would get some moral support here. My high school age son (difficult child 1) has gotten to the point he usually gets to at this point in the school of deciding that school is too hard and just shutting down. He has pretty good supports etc, he just doesn't see why he should spend time...
  11. K

    psychiatrist / difficult child / medication

    It was another awful night last night, and again just before psychiatrist appointment today. Yesterday also difficult child had the "electircal shocking" feeling from going off Zoloft, he couldn't handle it, things happened at school, then home. Soo, school called Crisis intervention yesterday. Twice in one...
  12. K

    New psychiatrist appointment...interesting

    You all know that I wanted a new psychiatrist for a long time. Due to insurance it was just difficult to do. Mental Health insurance changed this year and the psychiatrist that was recommended was on there. (just in time for me losing my job) difficult child had an appointment this morning. Suppose to be one hour...
  13. P

    give me some insights into depressed kids....

    My oldest son has back home this year after a year away in Residential Treatment Center (RTC) where we thought he made great progress in getting himself out of school refusual mode that he has been in since K. We thought he had learned tools to cope with things that required persistence and much more of a sense of self...
  14. P

    emotional dysregulation/bent out of shape

    Does anyone have any ideas for dealing with difficult child 2 who gets so bent out shape when he doesn't get what he wants. Friends aren't available to come over, he wants something now, somebody didn't get something at the store, he wants to do something, something doesn't go his way, he gets bummed out...
  15. R

    Locking up medications

    I'm looking for advice about locking up the medications in our house. I've decided the time has come to get serious about this. Don't know how many of you do this but we are clear that we need to do this for safety. I don't want to just put a big old lock on my beautiful new kitchen cabinets for...
  16. flutterby

    Ideas for helping difficult child 2 de-escalate

    difficult child 2 has been diagnosis'd with Bipolar II and ADHD. In my mind, the ADHD is in question because I don't think he's properly medicated - although he is better on his medications than without; just still not stable. His medications are Symbyax (sp?), trazadone for sleep, propranolol for tremors, and Adderall (the...
  17. B

    Our own good/bad experiences with medications for our kids

    Someone suggested this and I thought it was a good idea. We have to remember that everyone is different and that this isn't a "yes" or "no" on anything, just our own children's experineces. I'll start. Ritalin was my son's first medication and it didn't do anything much for him. He was then put on...
  18. wakeupcall

    HIGH, high, anxiety

    WHY is this happening? OK, puberty....or not. We just spent difficult child's spring break in MA visiting our daughter and our four grandchildren. difficult child was horrible. Ruined our whole trip, but what do I do? I have another child (my daughter) that I see maybe twice a year along with my four grandkids...
  19. C

    How does everyone cope??

    I have posted here once or twice before and enjoy this forum a lot. There are some very kind poeple here. I am back to just vent and ask some questions. My son is 10. We are STILL unsure of his diagnoses, even though he has had diagnoses since 2 years old, because he is sooooo complicated. We...
  20. W

    Cause Of BiPolar (BP)/Other Mood Disorders In Children

    I've seen a lot in the general press about general mental health problems associated with premature infants and those that have some type of birth trauma - common conditions seems to be ADHD and some show increased rates of autism. I have a question. 1. For parents of kids with definitive BiPolar (BP)...