
  1. crazymama30

    No rash yet, but he is driving me crazy

    We did Lamictal 12.5 mg for six days, now did 25 mg for 2 days. difficult child is driving me crazy. No rash so far, but He is argueing over everything. If I told him the sky was blue, he would say it was red. We went to brother in law birthday party, and the kids would come up and say, Cody said a bad word, Cody...
  2. G

    should I be worried

    Yesterday difficult child II had MRI (finally) now we are waiting for results. But he still has been more and more violent with us. Yesterday he really had a bad melt down and threatened to kill me while I am sleeping with a knife. I was trying not to show that it bothered me but my Dad was there and he...
  3. L

    difficult child 2 is now 'an emergency' says psychiatrist

    Hardly know where to start. psychiatrist apparently finally saw the whole big picture today! History: Abusive Biodad and difficult child 1. difficult child 2 was diagnosis'ed BiPolar (BP) at age 9 (not 'official on paper'but treatment for it anyway) due to behaviors and mood swings, also put on IEP for emotional lability and dysgraphia. Put...
  4. Dazed n Confused

    Need Help! 17yr old diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), what are my options

    I am new at this so please be patient. History: 2yrs ago diagnosed with General Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Depression. He saw counselors and a pschyatrist. They tried several different medications, etc. Nothing seemed to help his violent outbursts. We had one Dr. tell us it was a family...
  5. L

    We are weaning off Depakote...

    and quite frankly I haven't seen any big changes. She is easier to wake in the AM and the extreme hunger is going down also. She still is in the refrigerator a lot, but it is just a habit. We were at 500mg XR and are down to 125mg. We stay on this dose for about 12 more days and then we are...
  6. B

    Any Suggestions

    So many of you were very supportive last week with my post of can't stop crying. I thought I would ask you guys if you have any thoughts of what I might want to ask the psychiatrist tomorrow. We have been doing this for 3 years and I think I have read EVERY book and googled mood disorder and or...
  7. gcvmom

    Could this be a seizure?

    difficult child 2 mentioned today that in class lately he's been "zoning out" for five minutes at a time or so. He says he just sort of mentally goes off and doesn't remember anything, his eyes sort of black out and then he realizes he's not paying attention to his surroundings, thinks it's only been a few...
  8. Janna

    Tell Me About Lamictal, Please

    because, I've heard several things. I suppose I could read the website, but I'd rather get it from people with experience. I heard, initially, it was great for both BiPolar (BP) mania and depression. Then, I heard (God knows where) it doesn't do much for mania, mostly depression. So, I'm wondering...
  9. totoro

    Lamictal ? Since No doctor will call back!!! UPDATE!!

    OK, week 3 of no-one returning a call!!! So nice. Anyway, K is up to 37.5mg of Lamictal once a day in the a.m. she is also taking 2.5mg Abilify bid. She has been severely depressed, more than ever before, sitting in the a.m. and just staring out the window, "no-one likes me", "I am the worst...
  10. daralex

    Welcome to Lexapro!

    So we are new to the medication rodeo, but difficult child was finally placed on Lexapro. She claimed she was tired last night, but that seemed a little quick to feel symptoms? I've toyed with the whole medications idea for several years, but lately her anxiety and ager are too great for me to bear. I hope it helps her...
  11. nvts

    Medication Information/Assistance

    Hi! difficult child 1 is at it again! He's back in the psychiatric hospital. for an overnight due to a meltdown (got home around midnight last night!). Very - extrememly long story...he's in a Community Residence about 5 miles away so I'm not involved on the daily behaviors. He comes home for about 5 hours on Saturdays...
  12. totoro

    Should I say It? It seems to be helping...

    Well difficult child has been on just the Abilify now for about 3 weeks, she is up to 3mg, we are giving her 2mg at night and 1mg in the am. We had to start at night due to fatigue and I just started the 1mg in the am this week. Well she seems to be doing really well on it so far!!! None of the drooling...
  13. totoro

    Can I get off the Roller Coaster??? Long

    even for a few minutes??? The past week and a half has been up and down to say the least! mother in law in the hospital for 5 days... she is OK now. husband bestfriend's brother killed himself (he has kids and a wife), one of my old highschool friends died of a heart attack. Then the kid's... difficult child 2's Occupational Therapist (OT)...
  14. W

    Question for Bipolar Adults

    I've written this 20 different ways, and I know up-front it's a pretty impossible answer - so I'll just do my best. We're going through medication adjustments since the bipolar moods have definitely come back out again - and I don't know what's the extent of what the medications should do. We've caught...
  15. S

    Question about Depakote

    Peanut has been on Depakote for about 2 months. Two weeks ago his psychiatrist increased it from 500mg(250mg am & pm) to 750mg in pm only. I have noticed that about 1 1/2 hours after taking his pills he is starving. We eat at 5:30pm and bedtime is at 8:00. He takes his pills at dinner. He also is...
  16. S

    Medication change

    Today we went to see the psychiatric doctor and they changed his medication from abilify to depakote. Does anyone have expierence with depakote? I really hope it helps with his outbursts at school, although today was a good day. I hope it doesn't take too long to kick in...:anxious:
  17. S

    Moving over from Early Childhood Zone

    Below is my original post, and after advice from some of the more experienced posters', I'm re-posting here. Just to update the below, the daughter was returned home by the bio mother's boyfriend. When the boyfriend was questioned about what precisely had caused them to decide to "dump" the...

    Kate, the Lamictal, excessive happiness, hyper, and so on questions??

    Kate is still at 50 mg. on Lamictal. I had a phone confer. today with several from the Residential Treatment Facility (RTF). Kate was there. They reported that Kate has stopped with the mood swings and is no longer in a depressed state. She reports being in a very good mood for 1.5 weeks now. But, therapist thinks maybe too...
  19. crazymama30

    difficult child's medication change

    psychiatrist called. She talked about increasing Lamictal, and then suddenly said no, I don't want to do that. I had told her I had no idea what to do, it was up to her. With old psychiatrist he would have pushed me to try to decide, and probably would have wanted to up the stimulant. She increased his abilify...
  20. K

    psychiatrist appointment.

    Well I believe it was a very good psychiatrist appointment. psychiatrist took difficult child off the new medication, Geodon. She increased the lamictal. Said he should be taking it twice a day. He has only been taking it in the morning. psychiatrist also told difficult child he can take the abilify as needed if he feels very agitated. He admitted he...