
  1. AK0603

    What mood disorder medications have worked for your difficult child?

    My son is going to see his psychiatrist again Thursday, his father is going to call me after the appointment. His dad said the therapist also suggest doing some kind of mood disorder medication. and I have searched online at a few different ones but mainly found them for adults. Curious what your children are on...
  2. M

    Geodon ?

    difficult child had a short trial of Geodon many years ago, and I recall it didn't go well. Currently he's on Abilify, but eats a lot, however he is a growing boy at 13. Wondering if we should try Geodon again (to replace abilify) as I've heard it doesn't have the hunger effect. ANy thoughts positive or...
  3. A

    Hello again....

    I haven't been on the site for a few years. I am not sure why really. I used to come on a lot when my difficult child was undiagnosed and I learned so much here! What an amazing forum this is. Things are still difficult. difficult child's tics are becoming quite severe, he has the middle finger tic, head shaking...
  4. L

    Repeat after me: I will not strangle the teacher, I will not......

    Ok....after the stress of difficult child not wanting to go to school last night....we found out he had terrible headaches.....he woke up still with a headache!!!! But was willing to go to school, even while crying in car of bad headache! So school nurse phoned me to say I must come and fetch him, he has...
  5. Shari

    Tics, some sort of siezure, or jus a stimulant?

    Wee has been increasingly doing some odd things. I've spoken briefly to his teacher about it, and she's seeing it, too. Is there a way to distinguish a tic or an involuntary movement from a stimulant or just a habit? In situations where before he would get frustrated or angry, he rubs at his...
  6. E

    New Member, can use advice,

    got a feeling you've all heard this one before! difficult child son is 15, oppositional from day 1, but a very sweet kid when he's not having a tantrum. Always needed a "pacifier" (toy trucks, batman figures, etc). Was diagnosed ADD, executive function issues a few years ago. Hates to read, or sit...
  7. waytootired

    Experiences with Risperdal ?

    My difficult child is BiPolar (BP) & has been on Risperdal for about nine months. He has really been doing well on it as far as behaviors and NO big rages. Other than weight gain issues, he has tolerated this medication well. The last couple of months he has been complaining that his legs feel really weird. He has...
  8. jannie

    tics, tics and more tics

    difficult child has been having so many tics lately. He used to do one or two things (mainly coughing), but for the past two weeks he is constantly ticing. He is sniffing his nose and moving his jaw up and down. It doesn't seem to stop. He is also opening and closing his fingers. I feel so badly for...
  9. JJJ

    Voices in her head

    We had our first sibling visit in 10 months. It went very well. We played basketball and walked around the grounds of the Residential Treatment Center (RTC). Eeyore played basketball but then stayed behind when we went on our walk. The younger 3 seemed to have dealt with it as well as could be expected (Tigger had nightmares...
  10. givnmegryhr

    Important from local news station

    Last nite on the 11:00 news health segment they had a story on autism and how they have found Risperdal is helping . There was a family with a little boy who was severe and with Risperdal he is now communicating and making eye contact and not raging. This could help alot of families with...
  11. M

    difficult child 17 very destructive to house, etc

    What can be done (California) with difficult child 17 who breaks everything in house. Almost half the doors have huge holes in them, and last night another hole and hole in wall, and in a rage he broke some other things. I don't think police will do much but talk to him, been there done that.
  12. J

    Suspended from school for the rest of the year. Problems, Problems, more problems.

    difficult child didn't like that the teacher sent her to in-house for the day for being disrespectful, so she had showed everyone, a fraction of what I get at home. They couldn't believe it, 5 school administrators, social workers and teachers couldn't redirect her. She cursed and screamed and tapped her...
  13. G

    Bloody Nose and lethargy?

    I realize no one can give medical advise..okay, just personal opinions please. B takes Depakote, Seroquel, Topamax, and we just changed his Risperdal M-tabs from PRN to 1x daily. For 3 days now, he has been very tight, almost spastic at times. Yesterday he stayed at his g-moms and she called...
  14. A

    we switched medications and I see a change

    for the worse. Maybe. I hate this. Too soon to tell if it was a bad or good switch. We need some relief from these behaviors! difficult child has been switched from Risperdal to Abilify. He's been on 2 mgs at night. Today we added the 2 mg. in the a.m. He's weepy, being obsessive about needing a quarter...
  15. M

    Anyone like Geodon?

    I never read anything good about Geodon. Just wondering if anyone had success on this with their difficult children? My difficult child is 14, but we did a short trial of Geodon years ago, and he went a little biserk on it, so we stopped it. Just wondering if maybe we should try it again. difficult child was on Abilify and did...
  16. K

    Help I need help with my 3 year old!!!

    We adopted my dear son when he was 15 months old. He was drug exposed to meth and crack and severlly abused an negleted. We were his 5th placement in his short life. He has always been aggressive and hard to handle. He was also labled as developmentaly delayed for not walking or talking when...
  17. totoro

    New psychiatrist Apt.

    Well husband and easy child were feeling better this morning!!! But difficult child was running a high fever and her little cheeks were completely flushed. She was anxious and worried the whole way there. Freaking out in the waiting room, wimpering, hiding. Finally went in to see psychiatrist and difficult child was all over the place...
  18. M

    Seroquel Increase Problem. Help needed

    update on Seroquel - so after increased aggression & agitation after increase to 75mg seroquel (while transitioning off abilify), Dr. says to keep it at 75mg and not decrease it, because his agitation is transititional due to the increase or words to that effect (per husband). Does this make any...
  19. M

    ablfy dosage, strike 2

    So difficult child was on 7 mg through the second half of the school year and things were great. Then at the beginning of summer, due to circumstances I dont want explain in a public forum (pm me if u like), he was lowered to 5mg for 2.5 weeks, and meltdowns, out of control misbehavior started happening...
  20. flutterby

    psychiatrist appointment - new medications, new diagnosis, yada, yada, yada

    We saw the other psychiatrist in the practice because ours is on vacation. I was okay with that because I don't particularly like ours. So, this other psychiatrist is about 3 days older than dirt. Just sayin'. And she didn't listen to anything that difficult child said. I would repeat back exactly what difficult child said and...