
  1. Janna

    What To Do When There Are No More medications 2 Try?

    Honestly, I think we've done most of them. This is kind of a follow up to the ADHD thing. We did meet with psychiatrist on Friday, and she was gracious (as always) to go ahead with my thoughts on re-trying the Concerta (just one more time, even though we've tried it two or three times, I keep hoping...
  2. Janna

    So, I Had To File A Formal Complaint

    today with the head of such and such at the partial due to the negligence of psychiatrist. After Thursdays incident with D's head going through the window, the hypomanic/depressive phases occuring at partial, and his inconsistent, out of control behaviors here (did the worlds realign or shift or...
  3. Janna

    Week 1 therapist/psychiatrist & Zoloft ??'s

    We held our one week review today. therapist/psychiatrist/myself/D and our MH/MR worker. D is doing MUCH better, thank God, with his initial anxiety of being placed. The first few days were very, very rocky, but the last several have been good. His spirits are much better, much happier - many gripes, but...
  4. Janna

    Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) Admisson

    Well, we got there. Took a few weeks to get it all together, but he's in. We left here yesterday around 8 AM, I got home arund 8 PM. Typical intake - signing my life away to releases and insurance documents and such. Met with psychiatrist and therapist together - both seem pretty nice. I asked about...
  5. C

    New and glad to find you!

    I have a nearly 7 y/o son with ODD, ADHD, and who knows what else...just wanted to add to the archived thread you may have a ...if: You feel better when he takes his medications! I'm sure I'll post a summary soon...first grade starts tomorrow. No surprise- he said he's not going. We retty much...
  6. Alisonlg

    Input on Mood Stabilizers, I'm working on getting an appointment very soon with the psychiatrist to review difficult child and his medications. I really want him OFF the Adderall and I want to discuss alternatives to adding an SSRI (like Zoloft) to his medication plan, which is what they wanted to add early this week. It's pretty obvious that the...
  7. H

    Opinionated Pharmacists?

    Have any of you run into this? I'm sick of it! We have gotten so many judgemental comments from pharmacists and pharmacy technicians when we fill prescriptions I just want to start flipping them the bird rather than answer. These people have no clue what we are facing and ask, "HOW old is...
  8. smallworld

    Need advice about J's school

    I need advice about my son J, who is 15 and in a self-contained ED program for socially and emotionally fragile high schoolers. First a little background: A year ago J spent 6 weeks in day treatment getting his medications straightened out. When he was discharged, he was taking 400 mg Lamictal, 400...
  9. J

    Medication Crossroad? Any thoughts/experience?

    difficult child's psychiatrist is wanting to try another d**n medication. psychiatrist absolutely believes that difficult child is bipolar and ADHD. Now I had a neuropsychologist done at an early age and it agreed with a mood disorder. Even though it was independent, I don't think it was as thorough and again he was young. He saw a pediatrician...
  10. B

    They put her on Ativan????

    Hi all. I spoke to my daughter today and she informed me that the jail has now put her on Ativan. She said that because of her behavior they transferred her to the hospital section of the jail/different from the psychiatric ward. She said it is an actual psychiatric hospital. I didn't know they...
  11. klmno

    We tried the ativan

    Actually, it is the generic (lorazepam) and psychiatrist had prescribed 0.5 mg tablets as needed but cautioned not to give it to difficult child often due to addictive nature. He said to start with one tablet and if it was too much then give 1/2. If it wasn't enough, give more but not to exceed 2 tablets in one...
  12. S

    Day 3 of PHP

    And she was up and ready on time. But, before anyone gets excited and cheer, the weekend was $h!t to say the least. I am so tired of crying over this child of mine. Friday night she stayed up all night from what I could tell. I think she finally went to sleep around 5am. She had riding...
  13. buddy

    thinking too hard, medications and weight, ramble

    Ok, Q is not huge, but he is now 5 feet and weighed 107 at the doctor today (had to go he said his heart hurt, I think it is heartburn but not sure so had to check). He is averaging 1.5 to 2 lbs per week. I have to get his height from d/c at hospital and the last two doctor appts to see if...
  14. H

    How do you calm down?

    Carlos has been mostly stable for two years from Seroquel, but yesterday he lost it. It's my fault. Seroquel was helping, but he was unable to feel guilt apparently when he took it. We started weaning him down and trying some natural treatments (which of course did NOT help) and as he got to...
  15. J

    absolute nitemare

    had mtg. today they discharged difficult child. said they can't fix her. she needs to be in a facility with more therapy available. a long long story that isnt' worth even sharing to be honest. i asked to see difficult child. i went in the room it was by far the saddest thing i've ever seen. she was heavily sedated...
  16. wakeupcall

    How does one not take it so personal?

    difficult child is no better, really, than he was when he was four. He's fourteen now. He doesn't hit, but he pushes me. He picks, picks, picks as if I were his sister (I know you know what that's like..) He NEVER comes home when we say.....anywhere from fifteen minutes late to an hour. I try not to...
  17. Critter Lover

    difficult child getting out of hospital today

    They took him off of Haldol and Ativan. They replaced it with Seroquel. Not happy with the scenerio that they are wanting to place him in and would be much happier if they would place him in a behavioral focused home. They are talking about placing him in a one bedroom apartment which would have...
  18. J

    difficult child isn't doing well

    hi to everyone wow i haven't been on at all today, except once and quick. i hope everyone's day was good, and difficult child's are happy and ok. This can be such a hard time of the year for them, and hence us Well, i took difficult child to the dermatologist today, I lucked out and pushed for an appointment...
  19. M

    Another thread about medication reactions

    I generally don't talk about the medications I try because there are always tons of bad experiences out there and I want to keep an open mind about our trial. So we are trying zoloft to see if it won't take the edge off of the anxiety and ocdness. It's been about 4 weeks now. I have decided today...
  20. Janna

    Yup - Mania Confirmed

    per therapist at partial. I was on the phone with her today because psychiatrist still, since Thursday, has not returned a phone call or email. She's about ready to get fired :angrygirl: therapist confirmed my thoughts - mania - rapid cycling. Racing thoughts - noisy, disruptive (although not intentional -...