support for parents of mentally ill adults

  1. K

    Drawing boundaries and not being ruled by sadness and guilt

    Hi everyone, My name is Kristi and I have an adult son who was born a brilliant and beautiful young man and yet in his teenage years (divorce/unkind father/me trying to sit ice my marriage/early and undiagnosed signs of major depression) he started using drugs and over the last 10 years he’s...
  2. moonglow

    Howdy again...posting about my nephew this time

    For those that remember me...just a quick update on my son..and I better not jinx it typing this on here! lol. He is doing really well. Straight A's in longer considered Learning Disability (LD). Almost 15! wow...where did the time go? Still on medications for anxiety and his ADHD but doing really well...
  3. 1

    It still hurts......He's my blood.

    My son is 30 years old and is homeless and keeps begging for forgiveness and help. My wife and I raised him the best we could like any parents would. Kept him in sports and in high school he was introduced to drugs. His two older sisters graduated from high school and continued with their...
  4. R

    first post and hurting badly

    difficult child is now hurting my marriage and breaking my little easy child's heart. I can't take much more. I admit I am emeshed with difficult child. Always have been. I had her in my early 20s and I was immature. I married a severe alcoholic 17 years older. difficult child became my only source of happiness. She's never been...
  5. mstang67chic

    Group homes for behavioral/mental health issues

    I just heard about a facility that provides services for children and adults with mental health issues and thought I would share. They aren't completely national but do have locations throughout the country. If anyone is interested pm me and I'll give you the website. From what I've read so...
  6. mom_to_3

    ???difficult child's Aware They Have BiPolar???????

    Just curious............ Do your "adult" or should I say "of age" difficult child's believe they have bipolar, if they have been diagnosis'd with it? My difficult child was diagnosed several years ago and medicated for it. When she was 16 or so, she decided not to take her medications. Life has not been good for her. She doesn't...
  7. C

    Bipolar Disorder Support

    Haven't posted here in years after difficult child became an adult (ahem) and moved out with the first of many loser boyfriends. After deciding the sperm donor of her baby really was just the sperm donor, she and baby moved back in with me. What a nightmare! She was diagnosed with BD three years ago...
  8. S

    Adult son with bipolar,Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), ADD

    Hi. I have an adult son who was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), add, and bipolar when he was 14. He went thru psychotherapy and tried a variety of medications without much success. At 15 he tried to commit suicide by walking into a busy interstate highway. He survived, but was left with a right leg amputation...
  9. C

    29 yr old with-Bipolar

    This is my first time to post so I hope that I'm doing it correctly. My 29 yr old daughter was diagnosed with Bipolar about a year ago. The doctors have yet to prescribe the correct medication. My thought is that she has ODD instead of bipolar (or could be both). I'm raising her 2 children and...
  10. A

    Bipolar girl's mom needs help

    I have an 18 year-old niece that has been dealing with bipolar disorder for years. Up to recently, her mother was kept informed about her state by her daughter's doctor. However, now that she's 18 my sister can't talk to her daughter's doctor without her daughter’s consent, and anything she says...
  11. dashcat

    We finally have an official diagnosis: BiPolar, no surprise.

    But a relief. There were times I feared we'd never get here - her denial, aided and abetted by Mr. Ostrich - was so strong. But she did it. She went to the psychiatrist, she told him the truth (as far as I can tell) and she seems willing to take the next step. She will have to get a blood workup...
  12. mog

    difficult child called the cops on himself and claims NOT to be bipolar

    ugh!! I have been debatting about taking him to a homeless shelter because I just can NOT handle the stress anymore-- I don't do drugs but dam it if pot really calms you down like they claimit does I need a loot of it. I have been biding my time to find out when court was so as not to push him...
  13. B

    Since we are talking a lot about bipolar...

    Here are a few articles about it. I have Bipolar II, which is the second one listed in the different types. Here is bipolar disorder vs. borderline personality disorder (often confused for one another)...
  14. M

    22 year old bipolar who is difficult to live with -- PART 2

    Well, made it past the first part of this saga with my difficult child ... kicking him out, not letting him back in, waiting for the light bulb in his brain to somehow go on and "get it". Dealing with the report from a housemate that he was not doing well there. He has been ooth (out of the house) for...
  15. M

    update on 22 year old bipolar who is difficult to live with

    We kicked out our 22 year old son again. Out of anger, he broke a screen door, and then a few days later, had kicked a hole in a bedroom door. After the screen door, I had told him the next thing he breaks I will call the Police. Then when he kicked the hole in the door, my wife kicked him...
  16. M

    22 year old son with bipolar still living at home makes us miserable, what to do?

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. We have a 22 year old son, who has been to a mental hospital once already for hitting me and doing it again the next day. He most likely has bipolar. The diagnosis when released from the hospital was mood disorder, which I've been told by a therapist means...
  17. JKF

    Yeah - It's Monday :(

    difficult child called this morning while I was on my way to work. I took the call and it started off ok. He was telling me about something he did last night with a friend's cell phone. I casually asked if the other guy still had his cell phone. Just curious because as we ALL know, difficult child steals. A LOT...
  18. JKF

    Is it Lithium Time??

    Our adult difficult child (18) is having major problems. A little background - He's been in a group home for most of his teen years and was back home for about 3 months last year before he threatened to kill me. He was going into daily rages, stealing, threatening, etc so we had no choice but to remove...
  19. A

    Good reading

    Can anyone suggest a good book on parents of adult bipolar child and on detachment? Sent using ConductDisorders mobile app
  20. A

    Sick to my stomach

    Well I just received a letter from my son in jail. Im at work but my daughter read it and said it is a really mean letter. I told her to throw it away. The only thing she told me that it said was he will never forgive me for calling the jail and talking to the social worker and the...