support for parents of mentally ill adults

  1. A

    Positive thoughts about difficult child

    One of the things I try to do as a parent is to give the kid the benefit of the doubt, find excuses for the behavior, attribute the best possible motives to behavior according to the facts of the situation. My gain - when things go wrong - I am emotionally in control and free . Why should I...
  2. S

    Hello to all -- Introduction

    After months of reading your posts, I am finally ready to introduce myself. I can't believe there are so many others out there like me! I'm sorry we're all here, but it's such a comfort to know I'm not alone. I am the mom of a 20-year-old difficult child son, and a wonderful 17-year-old easy child daughter. My...
  3. Just-a-mom

    Feeling hopeless....

    Well I feel so sad that I am here, admitting to myself that my 18 yo difficult child is causing extreme up sent and anguish in our family but it's true. Our beautiful, brilliant daughter started having problems at age 15. She was into pot, selling and smoking, we found out, we went heavy hand, sent her to...
  4. runawaybunny

    New member: Feel like I'm crumbling

    The following was sent to me by new member @crumbling. I'm posting it here for her. Hi everyone, I am new to the forum and found it by accident.I live in England and I am having overwhelming grief about my 23 year old son. He has been in the mental health services and has been sectioned a...
  5. I

    Just an Update...

    My son is still at the halfway house, almost 6 weeks. His counselor says he is doing pretty well, and is cooperative. However, forgets to do chores, leaves pills lying around, and they are working on helping him with strategies to deal with his memory problems. ADD problems. psychiatrist is putting him...
  6. F

    Need some advice...again!

    My son is now nearly four months into recovering from two severely shattered ankles, his latest and, hopefully, final surgery having been three days ago. He had no real job or insurance prior to his accident and, as such, hasn’t paid anything into Social Security, so I’ve been told that he...
  7. blackgnat

    Lost my way-need advice!

    My son is in jail on is second domestic violence and property damage charge. I have been a real enabler and also the victim of the battery (last year i was in the ICU because he punched me and I had a bleed on the brain) I am also an alcoholic (I had 16 years of sobreity but went back in 2003) ...
  8. N

    I know I've done the right thing but it hurts so much!!

    I am SO glad to have found this forum. I don't even know where to begin. My son has always been a discipline problem, but his behaviour escalated when he hit his mid teen. At that time he was constantly in trouble at school which ultimately resulted in him being expelled. He did go on to get his...
  9. C

    Drama never stops, even for the holidays

    Hello Friends: first of all, happy Christmas/merry holidays/yadda yadda... to everyone! I'm an infrequent poster, sorry for that, I just can't seem to find the time to get on here very often, and when I do, the idea of writing a post is daunting, since there are so many pertinent details to my...
  10. recovering doormat

    Help her? Let her sink? What's a mom of an 18 yr old to do?

    Hi, I mostly post on the General Board. My difficult child 1 is 18 and a freshman in a local community college. She has major depression which ramps up unpleasantly when she is premenstrual and for the first few days of her period. Over the past four years, since her dad and I separated and have since...
  11. CrazyinVA

    Update On Youngest -- I'm a Grammy!

    After a rough pregnancy (chronic kidney stones, two stent placements, and multiple hospitalizations), Youngest delivered a healthy baby boy, Aidan, on 3/7/2007. He is a joy to be around, a very sweet, good baby. They are living with me for now, and also for now I'm letting her boyfriend stay there...
  12. W

    detaching seems to be the only thing

    I must do. I hv been away from this board for a long time, so forgive my lack of abbrevs. I read Fran's board to cover the most common abbrevs used so please bear with-me. Feel free to use yours in your replies, I'll get them down eventually. I am 47, married 24 yrs, admin profession 15 yrs. 1 difficult child...
  13. W

    I Want You Out of My Life

    That is what difficult child said to me last night. I tried to call him yesterday to see if he got the issues with his drama class group worked out the night before. I was genuinely hoping that this was a topic we could actually have a decent conversation around because it's the only thing he has told me...
  14. Hound dog

    I May Have a easy child in Crisis

    I've been worried about my easy child for some time. First I was worried because she is my perfectionist, and my overachiever who regularly stretched herself far too thin. For a long time there she was doing the Super Mom stint to the hilt. A couple of months ago, easy child came and told me that she had...
  15. J

    Adult daughter stole entire life savings-Part 2

    Midwest Mom- Thank you so much for your suggestion. As I said before, I have no idea how these things work and welcome any suggestions and words of wisdom anyone has to offer. Cedar- I laughed when I read your post and saw all my quotes listed out. I thought, "Well, when you put it that way...
  16. O

    New here and looking for advice

    Well I was online browing for advice and stumbled across this site. Please offer any advice or suggestions you think will help. Here is my story.... My 19 y.o daughter has me worn so thin and at my wits end. It started about 5 years ago when her sister came to me after she found her sitting on...
  17. L

    Back again-difficult child stealing contemplating arrest Help

    So I posted awhile back for problems w our then 17 yo son who is now 18. He has a hx of mental do (anxiety and now diagnosis bipolar....but I think not I think its more impulse control issues). He has put us thru the ringer for his drug addictions. We put him in tx last summer and he got free of...
  18. Steely

    Matt & his rages -

    Boy, I have been meaning to write this for a long time - but somehow today is the day. I am just so concerned for him - and yes - I know I should let go, and let him work it out, etc. - yet I still worry. His behavior from July-March was decent. He was calm, rational, flew to OR help out his...
  19. Star*

    Child support question - after 18

    This is going to seem very odd....but your nephew wanted me to ask :sick: When I got divorced - In my divorce decree (since the so-n-so never gave me a dime the entire time we were married AND since I knew it would only be a waste of MY time, and since we were in hiding from the monster) I...
  20. C

    I don't know what to do....

    Hello all, My name is Christa and I just joined today. However, I used to read the boards several years ago when my son was younger. I feel I am somewhat desperate and am hoping for some advice or maybe for just someone to listen. My difficult child will be 23 in a couple of months. He was diagnosed with...