support for parents of mentally ill adults

  1. M

    Please - No "I told you so"

    Just kiddling... you have all been so supportive of me over the last year. I was just reading through all of my old posts and can't believe the roller coaster I've been on. I like to think that when it comes to my kids, especially my difficult child and his problems, that I'm hard nosed and stick to my...
  2. M

    Today is the 1 year anniversary of difficult child-S becoming an offical difficult child....

    One year ago, she tried to hang herself.... That is what started the ball rolling and all the secrets came to the surface. Before that, we thought the mood swings and paranoia were caused by the Bi-polar. Didn't know about the huge drug problem she had. We went through the two-week...
  3. C

    Daughter wants to be put on adderall

    Hello, this is my first post. I'll try to be brief, but it concerns my daughter who is now 18 and has had school, substance abuse and emotional problems since about 15, so there is quite a bit of history to her problems. She developed a weed habit around 9th grade, started flunking out...
  4. S

    Have run out of ideas but can't give-up

    Newbie to this site, my sister found it thinking it might help me help my son. We have a 20 yr old son no longer living in the home. We are paying for him to live in a room over a bar, can no longer have him in the home. Have had 5 very difficult years: defiance, damage to property, disrespect...
  5. Hound dog

    Step difficult child's diagnosis

    Ok. Well. Stepgfg hasn't been online for quite a while, at least 2 weeks. Except she did pop on long enough to tell Nichole they were sick. Turns out hers wasn't what the kids had. She's had a horrendous migraine for the past week or more. Crippling. Finally her husband convinced her to go to the...
  6. W

    Why Do They.....

    Hate me? I'm speaking of my children. At least that is the way that I feel.....for today. I must have read the "Developing Detachment" article 20 times today -- at least. And here I am sitting, with a broken heart, and tears streaming down my face. I didn't go to my daughter's court...
  7. TerryJ2

    husband found a plastic bag with-pot in the car

    Aaargh! I knew it. difficult child was lying. He has been so cranky lately, and his eyes have been bloodshot. And he's back to saying, "I don't care," and "It doesn't matter." He's also been highly interested in the legalization of pot in Calif, Colo, etc and thinks it should be legal in VA. He's been...
  8. JKF

    Call from social worker

    So, to fill you in. difficult child has been in the psychiatric hospital for a week for threatening suicide. I've had minimal contact with him and haven't done any of the usual calling and trying to get him help, etc that I would normally do in the past. Why? Well, because at this point it's truly a waste of my time and...
  9. R

    New member, familiar problem

    Greetings all, Glad there is a forum to discuss these issues. Background: We have a 19 yo son who will be out of jail soon for stealing. He stole from a family friend but has stolen from us and other family members. We told him to leave when he was 18 for very disrespectful behavior, constant...
  10. Brokenheart61

    Mother and daughter

    My daughter and her husband and four kids moved from Jacksonville to Ohio about three years ago when they first moved she would call me once in a while but about A year ago she stopped and I thought that maybe something bad happened all kinds of thoughts ran through my mind so I called the...
  11. S

    new to board

    Hi all! Thank you for this wonderful forum. I have a 20 year old son who has NPD. He was diagnosis with bipolar at age 13 and spent nearly a year in psychiatric facility. NPD was eventually added to his diagnosis. Our relationship has been awful and I kicked him out of our home 3 years ago. He has since left...
  12. G

    Time to ask her to leave...

    I posted a couple of weeks ago about my 20yr old difficult child coming home after 45day residential and relapse within 1 week. difficult child is BiPolar (BP) and currently not taking medications. She was extremely suicidal and slept in the street a couple nights and we brought her home. Had a couple weeks of coming and going...
  13. Steely


    I have read most of your posts and received some of my own from you. Although we at this board welcome any and all input, i have noticed your posts to be very negative and judgmental. Please introduce yourself, with a signature, and tell us who you, where you are coming from, and what you know...
  14. F

    Devasted by difficult child's action and answer

    difficult child has been off medications (claims medications make him feel weird) and doing well for approx 18 months. He has a part time delivery job and his employers are very pleased with him. Lately, he has been up at night more, sleeping later, and spending or wanting to spend money like crazy. Doing things like...
  15. DammitJanet

    Im irritated with Jamie

    Maybe I shouldnt be but I am. I feel like he is trying to parent me or control me or something. He wants to tell me the way things should go as if I am not competent to make sound decisions. Excuse me? I think I have been around the block for a whole lot longer than he has and I have managed...
  16. S

    Court again....

    Well difficult child will be going to court again on Wednesday for his first simple possession charge when they put him on probation and he didnt finish it. He went today to pay some on the chrge and the lady said it would be $525. unless the Judge makes it less or whatever. They will probably let him go...
  17. J

    Guilt Ridden

    My wife and I just kicked out my 21 yr old son. 2 days ago. No work for 2 yrs. No school. Just finished HS about 5 months ago thru a correspondence HS. Has severe anger issues. Physical with his older siblings (24 yr old sister). Damages and breaks things at home. I know it was the right thing...
  18. P

    Need advice on this one!

    I just sent my son to his Grandmother's for the holiday. My sister and brother live in the same town as well. I had him on a great schedule where he gets up early (for him) and goes to bed early (for him), he's taking his medications, doing at least one productive thing each day. He enrolled in college...
  19. Skylark Matrix

    adult autism

    Does anyone out there know any high functioning high level autism adults? Just curious. How do these people get along in life when they are no longer children, over 25, or even older? Do any of you personally know someone like this? What happens when ADHD people get really old? My husband's...
  20. W

    My son just can't get right - this is so long!

    I've been dealing with such difficult issues with my wonderful son and just decided to look online and see if there was some support out there and I found you. I hope you don't mind if I just begin sharing. My son is going through such hard times. I blame myself because I divorced his Dad (an...