13 yr old difficult child and rap CDs?


Well-Known Member
Ahhh... that reminds me... when I was about 10, my favorite song used to be Bob Dylan's "Lay Lady, Lay." (Across my big brass bed.)
My older sisters went hysterical when they realized I had chosen it as my favorite song. They practically screamed, "Do you know what it's about? What he's saying?"
Uh, well, sort of ...



New Member
Yeah - I can remember that. Not too long ago, my daugher LOVED the "Genie in a Bottle" song by Christina Aguelare (sp?). she was about 10 years old (maybe 11) and I was apalled! I said "Do you know what she means by "You gotta rub me the right way?" and my beautiful little girl looked up and me and said, matter of factly "Mom! She is a genie and she is in a bottle! You have to RUB THE BOTTLE TO GET HER OUT!!!" I just said, "YES! You are right!" LOL