Daisyface has an excellent thought on the Duty to Warn laws. I actually don't know what they are around here.
I DO know that in my state EVERYONE is a mandated reporter of child abuse. Every. Adult. And they DO go after adults who don't yell and scream for help.
Is it at ALL possible to put hidden cameras in the home to record this childs actions? That might make some things more clear. Or not, but it is an idea.
Why does your wife think that it is okay to cover up this child's actions? Is this what normal is in her mind? Is she just so overwhelmed and even scared by biofather and this child that she feels she must cover things up?
i really, honestly pray for all ofyour safety from this difficult child. I can fathom part of your fear. I HATE that this boy is so sick, damaged, whatever you call his state. I wish we could give more positive feedback on the situation.
Even if your wife will not report to the police or child protection (I am not a fan of theirs either, by the way), YOU still have some obligations, even if they are for self protection.
She does not HAVE to notify if you will. Be sure you have enough cash and a bag of clothes and personal supplies stored in your car. You need to be ready to get away with nothing else at a second's notice. Just like a spousal abuse case you may become a HUGE target and may need to escape just to keep safe.
Keep copies of credit card statements, social security info, etc... all stored somewhere away from the house. Even if you have to take a cheap storage locker to keep stuff in, it would be worth the monthly fee.
Take care of your safety and keep your eyes open. I am so very sorry things are so bad.
I DO know that in my state EVERYONE is a mandated reporter of child abuse. Every. Adult. And they DO go after adults who don't yell and scream for help.
Is it at ALL possible to put hidden cameras in the home to record this childs actions? That might make some things more clear. Or not, but it is an idea.
Why does your wife think that it is okay to cover up this child's actions? Is this what normal is in her mind? Is she just so overwhelmed and even scared by biofather and this child that she feels she must cover things up?
i really, honestly pray for all ofyour safety from this difficult child. I can fathom part of your fear. I HATE that this boy is so sick, damaged, whatever you call his state. I wish we could give more positive feedback on the situation.
Even if your wife will not report to the police or child protection (I am not a fan of theirs either, by the way), YOU still have some obligations, even if they are for self protection.
She does not HAVE to notify if you will. Be sure you have enough cash and a bag of clothes and personal supplies stored in your car. You need to be ready to get away with nothing else at a second's notice. Just like a spousal abuse case you may become a HUGE target and may need to escape just to keep safe.
Keep copies of credit card statements, social security info, etc... all stored somewhere away from the house. Even if you have to take a cheap storage locker to keep stuff in, it would be worth the monthly fee.
Take care of your safety and keep your eyes open. I am so very sorry things are so bad.