Today has been consumed with CeCe, now thankfully back in psychiatric hospital, honeymooning (hopefully only briefly), and giving us a good night's sleep ... soon. Info on that posted in General. One of the ... pleasures? ... of multi difficult child's (not to mention the blessing of my own ADD) is that I can't spiral too deeply into worry about one, before another's needs - or charms & successes - demand attention.
Susie - I do believe that's how he thinks. We've been treading delicately. It's always "have you considered?", sometimes expressing a wonder or a worry, but never a criticism of girlfriend and his choices. If his sisters do (and we don't always discourage them), well, they're big sisters and 'we can't help if if they are overprotective'
while trying to help them see when to pull back, too. I'm really hoping the couples counselors can help them see why they should wait longer and get a few of those experiences. Like buying their own glasses :-/
Susie - I do believe that's how he thinks. We've been treading delicately. It's always "have you considered?", sometimes expressing a wonder or a worry, but never a criticism of girlfriend and his choices. If his sisters do (and we don't always discourage them), well, they're big sisters and 'we can't help if if they are overprotective'